ruder in Germany

uder [ruːdər] ungehobeltere

Sentence patterns related to "ruder"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ruder" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ruder", or refer to the context using the word "ruder" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Crewman - Münchener Ruder-Club v.1880 e.V

2. Synonyms for Brusker include curter, brusquer, blunter, shorter, ruder, impoliter, terser, gruffer, sharper and bluffer

3. Many evangelical Protestants think them heretics — the ruder ones regularly heckle Mormon conferences.

4. Synonyms for Crasser include coarser, grosser, rougher, ruder, uncouther, vulgarer, commoner, cruder, lower and ruggeder

5. Synonyms for Bawdier include racier, coarser, filthier, ruder, vulgarer, obscener, raunchier, smuttier, broader and earthier

6. - Cockpiten - Ruder - Let støvsugning - måtter renses - Højtryksluft igennem luftkanaler - Instrumentbræt - afslutning med dufte

7. Strong rumors are saying Alchim retires KJ takes over a new BG containing Server (Simonwi), Client (BrianV) and MSN (Yussef) Eric Ruder takes a new job working with Billg JeffR takes over a new BG Office, MBS & MED Will Poole keeps Consumer & HED New agressive comp plan for Techs only Monday, September 19, 2005 12:24:00 PM Anonymous said