rule of the thumb in Germany

ule of the thumb [ruːlɔfðθʌm] Faustregel

Sentence patterns related to "rule of the thumb"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "rule of the thumb" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "rule of the thumb", or refer to the context using the word "rule of the thumb" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The rule of thumb:

2. The rule of thumb no longer mattered.

3. As a rule of thumb, the higher the better.

4. The rule of thumb in this business is courtesy.

5. Rule of thumb The rule of thumb in buying is to advertise opportunities, select a winning contractor fairly and obtain the best value for your client.

6. Every student's rule of thumb should be: study hard!

7. It is a Compositional rule of thumb, not a …

8. The 28/36 Rule for Affordability One rule of thumb that lenders may use to assess how much of a …

9. A basic rule-of-thumb: Depreciate tangible assets and Amortize intangible assets

10. Typically, the rule of thumb is the lighter the Beer, the colder the serving temperature

11. As a rule of thumb, it is profoundly unwise to take Crack-cocaine

12. As a rule of thumb, a cup of filter coffee contains about 80mg of caffeine.

13. In general, the rule of thumb was that one's peers were seconded to perform the role.

14. As a rule of thumb, always use a rear foot kick after a feint.

15. As a general rule of thumb, thinner cuts of meat are more suitable for Broiling, …

16. Objections to the tacit assumption of Saint-Venant's principle or the above rule of thumb arise however.

17. This fact is the basis for the one-drink-an-hour rule of thumb for remaining sober.

18. Journalists have a rule of thumb: the more a person knows, the more that person can learn.

19. We present modified rule-of-thumb formulas to adjust real discount rates for income taxes.

20. Boss your men and shame your women; that was a rule of thumb with him.

21. It was a place, Wade came to understand, where lost was a rule of thumb.

22. A good rule of thumb- if you’re in your 20’s, do 1 Cheekbone Pop

23. But despite its drawbacks, primogeniture did offer a rule of thumb that commanded widespread respect.

24. A good rule of thumb is to Brine super-thin fish fillets for 10 minutes

25. As a rule of thumb, funds with durations of one to three years are relatively conservative.