road map in Germany

oad map [roudmeip] Autokarte

Sentence patterns related to "road map"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "road map" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "road map", or refer to the context using the word "road map" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. May I have a road map?

2. The road map was a freebie.

3. Large detailed road map of Australia

4. Road Map Actions addressed: Action 14.

5. The road map has been fully updated.

6. The US road map to Balkanize Syria

7. An unusual road map —the Peutinger Table

8. He intended to fill in the road map.

9. His face is lined like a road map.

10. A road map is a visualization of geographic information.

11. 7 The complexity of the road map puzzled me.

12. All I had for guidance was Donald's photocopied road map.

13. This will also be addressed in the Road Map 2050.

Auch dies wird ein Thema der Road Map 2050 sein.

14. A road map shows all the roads in an area.

15. Draft road map on how to set up the administrative structures

16. A road map of his travels up and down the West.

17. Aligning Gas Regulation and Climate Goals: A Road Map for State Regulators

18. The idea was to create a comprehensive road map of the Web.

19. Because the road map to get rid of this disease involves many things.

20. He also raised doubts about the American road map to a peace settlement.

21. The brain is giving us a road- map; our challenge is to use it.

22. The Humanitarian Response Review is now considered a quasi road map for humanitarian reform

23. Strong alternatives include: Using new technology can be like following a complicated road map.

24. There did not seem to be any alternative to returning to the road map

25. Our Foreign Ministers will lay out a road map with timelines for implementing these proposals.

26. Levy, readily concedes that the road map is an odd choice as a collector's item.

27. He developed a business plan, or road map, that was based on a new idea.

28. Heavenly inspiration will provide a road map that will ensure the accuracy of our choices.

Inspiration vom Himmel dient als Straßenkarte, die gewährleistet, daß wir die richtigen Entscheidungen treffen.

29. “Beautifully written, Adhd 2.0 is an inspired road map for living with a distractible brain

30. You have a road map, but you have not taken time to check it carefully.

31. For there is no alternative to the implementation of the Road Map for this settlement.

Denn es gibt fuer Realisierung der "Landkarte" keine Alternative.

32. "This report will lay out a road map for the authorities ahead of the October Presidential...

33. The two parties must abide by their obligations under previous agreements, most importantly the Road Map.

34. The road map we are discussing will clearly lay out obligations and responsibilities on all sides

35. If possible, you should test-market this road map to make sure it matches your expectations.

36. Exploration are identified in NASA’s Bioastronautics road-map, which is the framework for identifying, assessing, and

37. The road map we are discussing will clearly lay out obligations and responsibilities on all sides.

38. Draft road map on how to set up the administrative structures required for implementation of ADR

39. The Associate Administrator presented a cost classification ‘road map’ for consideration by Executive Board members, featuring:

40. And that leaves out Path statements that read like a road map of your hard disk.

41. The draft elements of a road map are set out in the annex to the present note.

42. Role models, as we have discussed, can be invaluable in helping you prepare your own road map.

43. Report on a Road Map for renewable energy in Europe [#/#(INI)]- Committee on Industry, Research and Energy

Bericht: Fahrplan für erneuerbare Energiequellen in Europa [#/#(INI)]- Ausschuss für Industrie, Forschung und Energie

44. (b) To prepare a draft road map for the implementation of substantive provisions in the draft text;

45. When it comes to drawing a road map of the brain, disease is often the best cartographer.

46. During my visit last year we had drawn up a road map to realize our ambitious cooperative agenda.

47. By comparison, the performance pattern of management, sales, and manufacturing amounted to a virtual road map for disaster.

48. In addition, the UN DESA road map provides a timetable of events in the process of implementation from

49. The road map set forth a specific three-year time frame for the birth of a Palestinian State.

50. Adoption of a road map on how to set up the administrative structures required for implementation of ADR.