roamed in Germany

oamed [roumd] geschlendert, wanderte

Sentence patterns related to "roamed"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "roamed" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "roamed", or refer to the context using the word "roamed" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Savage beasts once roamed these forests.

2. Barefoot children roamed the streets.

3. 24 His gaze roamed over her.

4. 6 In the nineteenth century, pirates roamed the seas.

5. For years I've roamed these empty halls

6. Stray dogs roamed the streets at night.

7. In the nineteenth century, pirates roamed the seas.

8. She roamed the building from garret to cellar.

9. At one point, buffalo freely roamed North America.

10. They say that... great beasts once roamed this world.

11. 13 In the afternoons they roamed the countryside roundabout.

12. The lovers roamed around the fields in complete forgetfulness of time.

13. At night, packs of savage dogs roamed the streets.

14. Her eyes roamed over the books on the shelf.

15. Hungry beggars roamed the streets in search of food.

16. Several thousand years ago, many Archons roamed Teyvat, each …

17. He offered us protection When monsters roamed the land

18. Huge rats roamed the streets slaying then devouring their victims.

19. Wild Burros have roamed the hills northeast of Riverside for decades

20. How many centuries has it been since dragons roamed the skies?

21. Communist guerrillas roamed the countryside, forcing villagers to join their ranks.

22. He cruised this isolated area and further east where the Beothuk roamed

23. Blue whales are the largest animals that have ever roamed the planet.

24. 7 Untamed horses roamed free in the wilds of the American plains.

25. In summer, bison roamed freely, almost continuously cropping the abundant green grass.

26. They roamed mountains and forests, adorned with ivy and skins Explanation of Bacchant

27. His hands swept restlessly over her body, touching, stroking, his fingers igniting fires wherever they roamed.

28. An English ship had roamed the Indian Ocean, preying with impunity upon Portuguese commerce.

29. They crowded the buses and roamed the streets and seemed to have envelop everything.

30. Synonyms for Bimbled include ambled, dandered, roamed, sauntered, strolled, wandered, moseyed, tootled, meandered and mooched

31. The lynx and bears that once roamed the Alps are gone because of uncontrolled hunting.

32. Synonyms for Bimbled include ambled, dandered, roamed, sauntered, strolled, wandered, moseyed, tootled, meandered and mooched

33. An iron - spiked stick in hand he roamed at will , wandering from peak to peak .

34. This is the Earth at a time when the dinosaurs roamed a lush and fertile planet.

35. Industry, such as it was, almost stood still, and the jobless and underemployed roamed city streets.

36. The hills below were rising into moorland, vast and brown, on which the sheep roamed more sparsely.

37. Thousands of Gulf Coast sheep roamed free range over pastures in the South, except for regular roundups.

38. Noun guards armed with bludgeons roamed the compound Verb The victim was Bludgeoned to death with a hammer.

39. The enormous land over which they roamed and hunted belonged to all, and its bounty could sustain everyone.

40. Long ago the majestic lion roamed the entire African continent and some parts of Asia, Europe, India, and Palestine.

41. Communities driven from the countryside huddled behind heavily defended walls while outside the horde roamed and plundered at will.

42. Visitors roamed through the printery, bookbindery, shipping department, workshops, and laundry, as well as parts of the administration building.

43. Sometimes, we sought out wildlife by taking trips into game parks, where lions and other wild animals roamed freely.

44. * David and his men helped Nabal’s shepherds guard their flocks against thieves who roamed through the wilderness.—1 Samuel 25:14-16.

45. Graceful birds could be seen in the sky, and animals of various kinds roamed the land —none of them a threat to humans.

46. 29 Communities driven from the countryside huddled behind heavily defended walls while outside the horde roamed and plundered at will.

47. Beringia was much more than simply a region on a map, or a place where mammoths roamed a cold grassy plain

48. About 150 years ago, nearly 30 million Bison roamed the Great Plains until a mass slaughter began in the early 1800s

49. The Aurochs were a species of wild bovines that once roamed a vast swath of territory throughout Europe, Asia, and North Africa

50. The interminable duns and khakis of La Mancha are the same that Don Quixote roamed across in his Crackbrained quest for adventure