rewrote in Germany

ewrote [riːrout] schrieb um

Sentence patterns related to "rewrote"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "rewrote" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "rewrote", or refer to the context using the word "rewrote" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Microsoft rewrote critical operations from C into assembly.

2. Jan 18, 2014 patch: "Rewrote Bilge Farfathom script

3. David Koepp rewrote the script before shooting began.

4. More importantly, it rewrote large chunks of accepted science.

5. Helsingin Sanomat concluded that "Timo Soini rewrote the electoral history books".

6. He rewrote the book in the light of further research.

7. We rewrote the expression as a product of positive exponents.

8. The Scribbler rewrote the rule book, and she wrote it backwards.

Der Scribbler hat die Regeln umgeschrieben, rückwärts.

9. The President rewrote the laws and Confiscated Americans’ gold bullion in 1933

10. At this convention, the delegates reviewed and rewrote the Dumbarton Oaks agreements.

11. Later they rewrote it in a new programming language, C, to make it portable.

12. 6 In 19 his father rented a computer and he precociously rewrote its software.

13. Whedon was brought on board in April 2010 and rewrote the original screenplay by Zak Penn.

14. He became known as an expert manipulator of human assets, and he literally rewrote Agency interrogation protocols.

Er wurde als fähiger Manipulierer von Personen bekannt und schrieb die Verhörprotokolle der Agency buchstäblich neu.

15. Editors back home deciphered the Cablese, inserting words and punctuation, and then rewrote it into a finished newspaper article.

16. Several of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo's top Aides reportedly rewrote a state health report on nursing homes to conceal higher death tolls in …

17. Breathless rewrote the rules of cinema -- and more than 50 years after its arrival, Jean-Luc Godard's paradigm-shifting classic remains every bit as vital

18. Despite the audience agreeing with them, they had to take NBC's considerations into account in case they lost the commission; they rewrote Monica's lines to show that she cared about Paul.

19. I rewrote that story, and in my version, the librarians find out that this is going to happen -- and here's a side note: if you want a comic book to do well, make the librarians the hero.

20. - We began Curate at Home, shipping Curate goods nationwide - We rewrote our company's mission, vision, and values - We celebrated 10 years of Curate - We got vaccinated - We lobbied for much needed independent restaurant aid, and we got it – finally!

21. With Hetzel's help, Verne rewrote the story and in 1863 it was published in book form as Cinq semaines en ballon ( Five Weeks in a Balloon ). Acting on Hetzel's advice, Verne added comical accents to his novels, changed sad endings into happy ones, and toned down various political messages.

1855 erschien sein erster Reise- und Abenteuerroman Un hivernage dans les glaces (= Ein Winter im Eis).

22. "Jack and the Beanstalk" is an English fairy tale.It appeared as "The Story of Jack Spriggins and the Enchanted Bean" in 1734 and as Benjamin Tabart's moralized "The History of Jack and the Bean-Stalk" in 1807.Henry Cole, publishing under pen name Felix Summerly, popularized the tale in The Home Treasury (1845), and Joseph Jacobs rewrote it in English Fairy Tales (1890).