repurchased in Germany

epurchased [ripəːtʃəst] kaufte wiede

Sentence patterns related to "repurchased"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "repurchased" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "repurchased", or refer to the context using the word "repurchased" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Buybacks and repurchased cards are essentially the same thing

2. And without money you will be repurchased.”

3. In his love and in his compassion he himself repurchased them.”

4. Access Industries repurchased a large stake in the company in 2013.

5. (Revelation 12:17) Like their ancient counterparts, they have been repurchased from religious captivity.

6. Isaiah 63:9 says: “In his love and in his compassion he himself repurchased them.”

7. 7 It is not permissible under that law to deduct the cost of acquisition of repurchased shares.

7 Das Gesetz von 1970 erlaubt nicht den Abzug der Einstandskosten der zurückgekauften Aktien.

8. The one who made the depths of the sea a roadway for the repurchased ones to cross?

9. Led by Apple stock and Google stock, technology companies repurchased more shares in late 2020 as Blowbacks against stock buybacks eased

10. The repurchased treasury stock may be used for any of the purposes stated in the above-mentioned AGM resolutions.

Die zurück erworbenen Aktien können zu allen in den Ermächtigungsbeschlüssen der beiden oben genannten Hauptversammlungen vorgesehenen Zwecken verwendet werden.

11. Holland America Line repurchased their old ship on 27 January 2002 and she reverted to her old name Nieuw Amsterdam.

Am 27. Januar 2002 wurde das Schiff von der Holland America Line zurückgekauft und wieder in Nieuw Amsterdam umbenannt.

12. 3 “This is what Jehovah has said, your Creator, O Jacob, and your Former, O Israel: ‘Do not be afraid, for I have repurchased you.

13. This item , which amounts to 78 209 905 * 41 EUA , represents ECSC obligations that have been repurchased on various markets ; these obligations are amortizable within three years .

Dieser Posten belauft sich auf 78 209 905,41 ERE . Es handelt sich um die Obligationen der EGKS , auf den verschiedenen Markten zuruckgekauft ; sie sind innerhalb von drei Jahren tilgbar .

14. Short Covering can result in either a profit (if the asset is repurchased lower than where it was sold) or for a loss (if it is higher)

15. All Aneled Weapons can inflict Tarring, and once Enhanced to level three, gain the ability to Blind. Aneled Weapons are initially only obtained as quest rewards - once obtained from the relevant quest, Aneled Weapons can be repurchased from Johnathan at his Rift Shop in …

16. As from this cancellation, every private shareholder will lose all rights Appertaining to shares which are repurchased (including all rights to the payment of any future dividend), subject to the provisions of Article 54; every private shareholder will receive, in exchange for every share which is ipso jure transferred to the Bank, a statutory right to the payment of the amount of compensation