requisitioned in Germany

equisitioned [rekwiziʃənd] verlangte

Sentence patterns related to "requisitioned"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "requisitioned" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "requisitioned", or refer to the context using the word "requisitioned" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Horses from Ariege were requisitioned for Napoleon's Grand Army during his Russian campaign.

2. Authorities requisitioned hotel rooms to lodge more than 000 stranded Christmas vacationers.

3. She was requisitioned by the US Navy during World War II and ultimately sold for scrap.

4. April 1944: The Air Ministry requisitioned the airfield and surrounding farms, roads and houses, ostensibly to accommodate military bombers.

5. The estate was requisitioned by the War Ministry from 1940 to 1945 as a local command, training, and ordnance centre.

6. Afterwards all the bodies were burned and all the pitch and tar in Funchal were requisitioned to fumigate the streets with bonfires.

7. He also had grain collected for export to raise money to pay soldiers, and requisitioned food and clothing for the soldiers.

8. Where the immovables or movables of units or individuals are requisitioned or if they are damaged or lost thereafter, compensations shall be made therefor.

9. At the end of 1975, the Vietnam government requisitioned campus and December 19, 1975, the school was handed over to the General Department of Metallurgy Engineering and Electronics.

10. Liu told Radio Free Asia that she believed the sentence was retaliation for her husband's advocacy on behalf of farmers whose land had been requisitioned to make room for development projects.

Liu erzählte Radio Free Asia gegenüber, dass sie davon ausgehe, dass das Urteil ihres Mannes eine Vergeltungsmaßnahme sei, da ihr Mann sich für Landwirte eingesetzt hatte, deren Land für die Entwicklung von Projekten beschlagnahmt worden war.

11. No logistical corps existed in the modern sense; while on campaign in foreign territories such as America, horses, wagons, and drivers were frequently requisitioned from the locals, often by impressment or by hire.

12. The hall was requisitioned by the War Office at the start of World War II and suffered a serious fire while the troops were Billetted there.[9] The family passed the hall over to Workington Borough Council after the War so it could be used as a Town Hall but conversion to …

13. William Tecumseh Sherman's Union army during its March to the Sea and north through North Carolina and South Carolina during the American Civil War.The designation "Bummers" was used, both by soldiers and civilians, to describe Sherman's soldiers, official and unofficial, who requisitioned food from Southern homes along the route of the