reinserted in Germany

einserted [riːinzəːtid] fügte neu ei

Sentence patterns related to "reinserted"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "reinserted" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "reinserted", or refer to the context using the word "reinserted" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Osteochondral chips are best reinserted into the bone by means of anchoring systems.

Osteochondrale Flakes mit zugehörigem Band werden bevorzugt durch das Mitek-Ankersystem knöchern reinseriert.

2. The deleted version of variant A of draft article # would be acceptable to be reinserted in article

3. Reconstruction was achieved by the interposition of a jejunal limb in which the ampulla could be reinserted to the posterior wall.

Die Rekonstruktion erfolgte durch eine gestielte Jejunumsegmentinterposition mit Reimplantation der Papille in die Hinterwand des Interponats.

4. Acute acl-ruptures are sutured or reinserted and treated with fibrine-tissue-glue. Furthermore a semitendinosus-autograft combined with a 6 mm Polypropylene band is added.

Frische Rupturen werden genäht oder reinseriert, zusätzlich fibrin-geklebt und mit einem kombinierten Semitendinosus-6-mm-Polypropylenband-Transplantat in gleicher Weise verstärkt.

5. Cannulated screw is inserted over the guide pin, a possibility exists that the Cannulated screw will follow the path of the original guide pin and penetrate the joint space .A guide pin that has penetrated the joint space must be removed and reinserted in a different position