reintroduced in Germany

eintroduced [reintrədjuːst] führte wieder ein, wiedereingeführt

Sentence patterns related to "reintroduced"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "reintroduced" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "reintroduced", or refer to the context using the word "reintroduced" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The Arabian oryx was reintroduced once again into the wild

2. Moose have been reintroduced to some of their former habitats.

3. In quite a few ranges reintroduced sheep have thrived.

4. Provisions to be applied where border control is reintroduced at internal borders

Anwendbare Bestimmungen bei Wiedereinführung von Grenzkontrollen an den Binnengrenzen

5. There will be no Port Jefferson Bridge unless the lawsuit is reintroduced.

6. Starting in the 19th century, Cremation was introduced or reintroduced into other parts

7. The Gredos Ibex has been reintroduced to several areas for hunting purposes.

8. After the priesthood leadership meeting, I reintroduced myself to the visiting professor.

9. Déby attempted to reconcile the rebel groups and reintroduced multiparty politics.

10. Bobwhite quail isn’t the only species to be reintroduced at Tomblin WMA

11. If stunned fish were immediately reintroduced into clean water, they would become active.

12. The carrier must be reintroduced at the receiver by a beat frequency oscillator (BFO).

13. Andorra has reintroduced several threatened animals, including species of trout and deer, to their former habitats

14. Some of the nitrogen is reintroduced into a fractionation tower to enhance the recovery of hydrocarbons.

15. "(e) Check of service equipment, other accessories and pressure-relief devices, if to be reintroduced into service

16. Some of the horses from his program had been reintroduced to the forests of Białowieża, Poland.

17. In total, 141 countries were now abolitionist in law or practice, and none had reintroduced it.

18. Almost a decade later, we reintroduced Bytesize with the big NG redesign launch of July, 2007.

19. Finally, the ozone enriched gas is reintroduced into the absorber column (106) for use in the ozonizing reaction.

20. They traveled west to Italy, reintroduced the Greek language and learning to western Europe, and ignited the Renaissance.

21. It was reintroduced on January 26, 1973 and approved by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on May 13.

22. The classical system was reintroduced in 1999, with the abolition of advance corporation tax and of repayable dividend tax credits.

23. Additionally, Coase's transaction costs approach is currently influential in modern organizational economics, where it was reintroduced by Oliver E. Williamson.

24. All the Autogyros of the ’20s and ’30s were tractor designs, and Ron has reintroduced this concept in an innovative line of aircraft

25. With the help of the Canadian government, the Pennsylvania Game Commission, and several other states reintroduced Bald eagle chicks from Canada back to the Northeast United States.

26. In Part two of Deja's Bitch series we are reintroduced to Precious's child hood friend Jamal and his soon to be Wifey and ex-video chick Nina

27. With the help of the Canadian government, the Pennsylvania Game Commission and several other states reintroduced Bald eagle chicks from Saskatchewan to the Northeast United States.

28. Several endemic Chatham Island bird species have since been reintroduced to the island, Chatham snipe in 1970, black robin in 1976, Chatham tomtit in 1987 and shore plover in the 1990s.

29. Loss of its woodland habitat led to the Capercaillie becoming extinct in the UK in the mid-18th century, but birds were reintroduced from Sweden almost a century later.

30. Four other players Amnestied after the provision was reintroduced in the 2011 collective bargaining agreement are still in the NBA, though they’re on different teams than the ones that Amnestied them

31. Dugan also sharply Criticizes Catholic leaders for opposing the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (reintroduced in Congress in January), which is intended to overturn the Supreme Court's 1990 ruling in Employment Division v.

32. The Danish Government and the parties that supported the current Media Policy Agreement agreed that under the restructuring plan, public compensation would not be reintroduced for expenses that TV2 bears in discharging its public service obligations.

Die dänische Regierung und die Parteien, die die aktuelle Medienvereinbarung unterstützt haben, sind übereingekommen, dass im Rahmen des Umstrukturierungsplans keine öffentlichen Ausgleichsleistungen für Ausgaben wiedereingeführt würden, die TV2 durch die Erfüllung seiner öffentlich-rechtlichen Verpflichtungen entstehen.

33. "Confirmatory" testing - these are tests that the team make to confirm that they've developed a feature correctly, to confirm that they haven't broken an existing feature, or to confirm that a previously-discovered bug has not been reintroduced

34. Constituted of ten sounds (the missing two are absolutely excluded in so far as a modulation has not reintroduced them), it gives the composer writing atonal music all the structural, rhetoric and symbolic possibilities that the tonal language offers.

Auf 10 Tönen aufgebaut (die zwei fehlenden bleiben ausgeschlossen, sofern sie nicht für den Übergang in eine andere Tonart eingefügt werden), stellt sie dem nicht tonal schreibenden Komponisten alle strukturellen, rhetorischen und symbolischen Möglichkeiten, welche sich auch in der tonalen Sprache anbieten, zur Verfügung.

35. Roger Wicker, R-Miss., and Maria Cantwell, D-Wash., ranking member and chair of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, today reintroduced legislation to reform the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA)’s Fishery Resource Disaster Relief program of the National Marine Fisheries Service.

36. Given the necessity to save the species now, the Addax has became one of SCF's priority species and animals will be reintroduced in different places of the Sahara and Sahel thanks to its expertise in this field and to the collective efforts of SCF and partners.

37. In July 1976, Billy Arjan Singh acquired a tiger cub named Tara from Twycross Zoo in the United Kingdom, hand reared her and later reintroduced her to the wild in the Dudhwa National Park with the permission of India's then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.

38. Tridecemlineatus (Mitchill), N thirteen-lined ground squirrel Tamias striatus (Linneaus), I eastern chipmunk Tamiasciurus hudsonicus N (Erxleben), red squirrel Family Geomyidae (pocket gophers) Geomys bursarius (Shaw), plains NW pocket gopher Family Castoridae (beavers) Castor canadensis Kuhl, beaver I The beaver was extirpated by 1900 but was reintroduced.

39. New products on the shelves at Brushwood Toys! This is where we list all the latest products available at Brushwood Toys! Occasionally we will also include models that have been reintroduced after a long period out of production, or new models that are of particular interest.

40. The Coal market extended its upward momentum, with futures climbing above the $90 per tonne level for the first time since March 2019, as top consumer China is expected to face shortages in imports of coking Coal from major supplier Mongolia after fresh Covid-19 restrictions were reintroduced at the Ganqimadodu border, the gateway for Mongolia coking Coal to China, on March 16th.

41. The Chevrolet Cavalier is a line of small cars produced for the model years 1982 through 2005 by Chevrolet, and then later reintroduced in 2016 for the Chinese Market.As a rebadged variant of General Motors' J-cars, the Cavalier was manufactured alongside the Cadillac Cimarron, Buick Skyhawk, Oldsmobile Firenza, and Pontiac J2000/2000/Sunbird at GM's South Gate Assembly and Janesville …

42. 15 . ( f ) We need not therefore consider the question of the effect of the standstill provision in Article 62 with regard to the fact that the unequal treatment which existed at the time when the Treaty came into force was abolished by a Decree of 27 January 1969 and was reintroduced only by the Decree of 12 May 1981, because according to Article 61(1 ) that provision is not applicable .

15 . f ) Es kommt insoweit auch nicht auf die Frage an, was dem Artikel 62 mit seinem Standstill-Gebot im Hinblick darauf entnommen werden könnte, daß die bei Inkrafttreten des Vertrages bestehende Ungleichbehandlung durch ein Dekret vom 27 . Januar 1969 beseitigt worden ist und erst durch das Dekret vom 12 . Mai 1981 wieder Geltung bekam, weil diese Bestimmung nach Artikel 61 Absatz 1 keine Anwendung findet .