raids in Germany

aids [reidz] Angriffe, Raubzüge, überfällt

Sentence patterns related to "raids"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "raids" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "raids", or refer to the context using the word "raids" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Three were killed in the raids.

2. Regarding Israeli Air Raids on Gaza Strip

Im Zusammenhang mit Luftangriffen der israelischen Luftstreitkraefte auf den Gaza-Streifen

3. During World War II, Bangkok experienced air raids.

Während des Zweiten Weltkrieges wurden Angriffe auf Bangkok geflogen.

4. Few buildings survived the bombing raids intact.

5. Despite the raids, we continued to preach in Armavir.

6. Raids only gave the Burleycue houses good publicity

7. There may be roundups, raids, deportations, camps, secessions.

8. We can annoy the enemy by air raids.

9. I can't wait for the spring, Or the raids.

10. Resistance to the air raids decreased sharply from April 1945.

11. 29: The "Baedeker raids" continue, focused on Norwich and York.

12. 9 The air raids were becoming heavier and more frequent.

13. Whole villages were wiped out in the bombing raids.

14. Air raids, shelling of military locations and important centres

15. Affliction is a highly sought after spec in raids

16. In Jizan, the Saudi fighter jets launched three air raids, while in Asir border, the Coition waged four air raids on Magaza district

17. 6 The Government hastily organized defensive measures against the raids.

18. Zavala led a series of raids on marijuana plantations.

19. In 395, Tuoba Gui led raids against Later Yan's border regions.

20. The city's bomb shelters were being prepared for possible air raids.

21. Air raids and bombardment of military outposts and important centres

22. 15 Raids are almost a nightly occurrence at this club.

23. The modified aircraft were destroyed on the ground during air raids.

24. PLO cross-border raids against Israel grew during the late 1970s.

25. We have all been trained not to breathe during the raids.

26. There she took part in raids against Japanese bases in Indonesia.

27. 1 He comes home from school and raids the larder.

28. They began conducting sabotage missions and raids to snatch prisoners for interrogation.

29. But even then the station was not spared from air raids.

Doch auch danach blieb der Bahnhof nicht von Luftangriffen verschont.

30. At high school, during air raids, classes continued in the basement.

31. During the frequent air-raids, people took refuge in their cellars.

32. For months at a time, air raids were a nightly occurrence.

33. Lundberg said raids on large Cockfighting pits in Tennessee have found the

34. During four massive raids, the enemy launched 373 planes; only 130 returned.

35. The buildings of the mine were destroyed by American air raids.

36. Allied air raids significantly influenced the Japanese government's decision to surrender.

Die Luftangriffe beeinflussten die japanische Regierung signifikant in ihrer Entscheidung zu kapitulieren.

37. In 654, however, Muawiyah renewed his raids by sea, plundering Rhodes.

38. Your troops have killed over a dozen Palestinians in house raids.

39. 18: Air raids on Malta are increasing in focus and intensity.

40. Keith Park's tactics were to dispatch individual squadrons to intercept raids.

41. 12 During the frequent air-raids,[] people took refuge in their cellars.

42. As a forced recruit, he went on food raids and burned down houses.

43. Where there were alleged air raids, land attacks invariably followed shortly thereafter.

44. The Japanese air raids were assisted by radio transmissions made by Heenan.

45. Stack joined TF 38 to participate in raids against Rabaul during November.

46. The air raids were planned to knock out communications on the ground.

47. 24 For months at a time, air raids were a nightly occurrence.

48. Czechoslovakia, and especially Prague, never experienced the devastating bombing raids that destroyed so …

49. Repeated air raids with incendiary bombs caused raging infernos in the housing areas.

50. From August 1942 the bridge was the target of several air raids.

Ab August 1942 war die Brücke mehrfach das Ziel von Luftangriffen.