raid (on) in Germany

aid (on) [reidwʌn] Überfall (auf)

Sentence patterns related to "raid on"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "raid on" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "raid on", or refer to the context using the word "raid on" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. 29: A massive overnight bombing raid on Liverpool.

2. Raid on the city, knock out, evil tusks.

3. The Air Raid on el Arish, 18th June 1916

4. Police are investigating a raid on a secure compound.

5. But now we have a barefaced raid on our cash.

6. The next bombing raid on Singapore took place on 24 February.

7. Also she's supernumerary to the raid on the Xerxian attack ship.

8. During the second air raid on 6 December 1944 44 people died.

Beim zweiten Bombenangriff am 6. Dezember 1944 starben 44 Menschen.

9. They were only released after a police raid on their employer's land.

10. 16: German air raid on Scapa Flow causes first British civilian casualties.

11. Gunfire and the occasional grenade explosions accompany raid after raid on jewellery shops.

12. In the air raid on Kassel on 22 October 1943, the central station was destroyed.

Beim Luftangriff auf Kassel am 22. Oktober 1943 wurden die Werke schwer getroffen.

13. January 30 Royal Air Force de Havilland Mosquitos make the first daylight air raid on Berlin.

14. The police staged a raid on the London Bagnio, causing great inconvenience to its well-heeled clientele

15. In February 1944 the Americans made a raid on Truk (Operation Hailstone), sinking and damaging many ships.

16. Imperial forces encountered the Bezil as Dimok starships staged a raid on the Ripolus supply convoy Asbo

17. The raid on Scarborough, Hartlepool and Whitby on 15–16 December 1914 was the first such operation.

18. Harvard Securities organised a surprise raid on the premises of Tudorbury's new sharedealing floor shortly after its inception.

19. In 1949, following a raid on his village by French forces, Pauk joined the Khmer Issarak independence movement.

20. Owen Brown, son of abolitionist John Brown, is buried in Altadena and lived in Pasadena after the failed raid on

21. Now police have seized 000 forged lapel tickets in a raid on this Birmingham pub and a number of houses.

22. The £000 worth of gifts were part of the loot taken in a raid on a courier depot at Leicester.

23. Perhaps the biggest reason was the de facto revenue raid on the treasuries of other governmental entities the project would entail.

24. Similar raids occurred daily over the next week, with one raid on 1 May heavily damaging one of the Catalinas at Gavutu.

25. On 13 September, they carried out another large raid on the Channel ports, sinking 80 large barges in the port of Ostend.

26. 15 Perhaps the biggest reason was the de facto revenue raid on the treasuries of other governmental entities the project would entail.

27. During the nomination process, Acosta was even more taken aback by a sudden raid on her tortilla factory by U.S. Immigration Service agents.

Während ihres Nominierungsprozesses war sie sogar noch erstaunter, als plötzlich eine Razzia in ihrem Tortillabetrieb durch die Einwanderungsbehörde stattfand.

28. Some 84 barges were sunk in Dunkirk after another raid on 17 September and by 19 September, almost 200 barges had been sunk.

29. Work, rest and steal SWEET-TOOTHED thieves made off with 2000 Mars Bars in a cheeky raid on the world-famous chocolate factory.

30. We're in vicinity..... less than an hour ago, in a daring Sunday-morning raid on the police evidence depository building in downtown Los Angeles.

31. Kigezi Region Police spokesperson Elly Maate says that when police made an impromptu raid on the market, they found the six suspects selling Adulated fish

32. Crossbones Under pressure from a mysterious, powerful warlord, Blackbeard dispatches Rider, Nenna and Tom Lowe to carry out a daring raid on a Spanish stronghold

33. On 22 February 1945, an air raid on Scherfede station completely destroyed a signal box and several buildings in the area were damaged by incendiary projectiles.

Am 22. Februar 1945 erfolgte ein Luftangriff auf den Scherfeder Bahnhof, bei dem ein Stellwerk vollständig zerstört wurde und mehrere Gebäude in der Umgebung Opfer von Brandgeschossen wurden.

34. The planned raid on Sunderland intended to use Zeppelins to watch out for the British fleet approaching from the north, which might otherwise surprise the raiders.

35. Synonyms of Bagnios. a building in which prostitutes are available. the police staged a raid on the London bagnio, causing great inconvenience to its well-heeled clientele

36. She later helped abolitionist John Brown recruit men for his raid on Harpers Ferry, and in the post-war era was an active participant in the struggle for women's suffrage.

37. On February 25, 1969, he led a Swift Boat raid on the isolated peasant village of Thanh Phong, Vietnam, targeting a Viet Cong leader whom intelligence suggested would be present.

38. During the Luzon campaign to retake the islands from the Japanese, Major Simeon Valdez led a raid on the airfield, burning the headquarters and setting fire to a fuel dump.

39. A police officer was killed during a raid on an illegal Cockfighting event in the Philippines when a rooster with a blade on it's leg slashed the cop, causing a fatal wound.

40. George Anderson was Becomingly modest about his imminent Military Cross, for leading a raid on enemy trenches, killing the sentry, and with a corporal carrying back the body of one of his men

41. After overhaul and training on the west coast, Cotten sailed by way of Pearl Harbor for the raid on Wake Island of 6 August, called at Eniwetok and Guam, and anchored in Tokyo Bay 3 September.

42. Thieves cut a hole in the roof of a London warehouse and Abseiled through it to steal the books in 2017.(AP: Romanian Police)The books were stolen in a raid on a warehouse in west London.

43. The Graduate School of Islamic Social Sciences of Ashburn , Va . , referred to as a " purported " educational institution in an affidavit justifying a raid on the school , had its financial records seized in 2002 on suspicions of links to terrorism .

44. Six pedigree cats valued at thousands of dollars were Confiscated in a Thai drug network raid on suspicion they were being used to launder money, police said on Tuesday, as animal rights activists protested a plan to auction them off

45. five months after a raid on their small congregation in Nukus, capital of Karakalpakstan, an autonomous republic in north-western Uzbekistan, and more than two months after being fined, a group of Adventists has been summoned to appear in court in Nukus on # July

46. The daughter of Rodney Aran and Virginia Aran, she lost her parents during a Space Pirate raid on her home of K-2L.Later, Samus was adopted by the mysterious Chozo and taken to Zebes, where she was infused with their DNA and raised to become a warrior.

47. A raid on Stow's library, ordered by Edmund Grindal in 1569, disclosed that in addition to "olde phantasticall popishe Bokes" Stow possessed "a great store of folishe fabulous Bokes of olde prynte, as of Sir Degory Tryamour, &c"; yet there is little evidence …

48. [Early 19th century.][1] Once the cows reach maturity, they're sent to the abbatoir.· A place or event likened to a slaughterhouse, because of great carnage or bloodshed.[2] The army's raid on the enemy turned into a major Abattoir.··^ “Abattoir” in Lesley Brown, editor-in-chief; William R

49. Charles Mccormick ENG 201 A devastating Bombardment A devastating Bombardment raid on Tokyo of 9–10 March was the pernicious schematic Bombardment foray in history .In may 1945 , Australian flock landed in Kalimantan , overrunning the oilfields there .British , American English , and Formosan effect defeated the Nipponese in Northern Burma in border district , and the British people pushed

50. John Brown, (born May 9, 1800, Torrington, Connecticut, U.S.—died December 2, 1859, Charles Town, Virginia [now in West Virginia]), militant American Abolitionist whose raid on the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia (now in West Virginia), in 1859 made him a martyr to the antislavery cause and was instrumental in heightening sectional animosities that led to the American Civil War (1861–65).