radii in Germany

adii [reidiai] Radie

Sentence patterns related to "radii"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "radii" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "radii", or refer to the context using the word "radii" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Makes the Valence Radii-Accentuator and the Atomic-Valence Tri-Radii-Oscillator wearable over helmets

2. Smaller objects have smaller Schwarzschild radii.

3. Bigger objects have bigger Schwarzschild radii.

4. Imperfect, because the radii differ by about 60 metres.

5. Transitions or radii that are sharper than original design.

6. Imperfect(Sentence dictionary), because the radii differ by about 60 metres.

7. If 4, they are opposite (along the same radii as) the sepals.

8. Drag to add two arcs with adjustable radii and connecting tangent lines.

9. It is now necessary to introduce a sign convention for radii of curvature.

10. Coordinative unsaturation is based on ionic radii (ultimately atomic radii from 0.1), where the atomic size increases from right to left (lower nuclear charge) and top to bottom (increasing n level being filled)

11. Its equatorial and polar radii differ by almost 10%: 60,268 km versus 54,364 km.

12. Strontium atoms are relatively large, with radii around 215 Billionths of a millimetre

13. The radii of Actinoid(III) ions based on complexes with O-donor ligands

14. Circumference, diameter and radii are measured in linear units, such as inches and centimeters

15. The known expressions for the radii of curvature of the Prandtl slipline-field are used to describe the radii of curvature in an adjoining field analytically by means of the Riemann integration method.

Die bekannten Ausdrücke für die Krümmungsradien des Prandtl-Gleitlinienfeldes werden benutzt, um in einem anschließenden Feld mittels der Riemannschen Integrationsmethode die Krümmungsradien analytisch zu beschreiben.

16. A set of non-interacting Asperities with identical radii and a Gaussian distribution of heights

17. Such a model facilitates accurate predictions of the average change in charge radii for nuclei.

18. The drawing technique of shared radii can be used to construct a variety of curvilinear shapes.

19. Then the part was rotated 180°, and the remaining serrations and radii Broached to …

20. — Main geometrical characteristics like the main radii in switch, closure and crossing panel, crossing angle

— Wichtigste geometrische Merkmale wie Haupthalbmesser in der Zungenvorrichtung, dem Zwischenschienenteil und im Herzstück mit Randlenkern und Fahrschienen, Kreuzungswinkel

21. Measurements on radii upstream allow a computation similar to the one used in aerodynamics for isolated aerofoils.

22. The project's geometrical characteristics are as follows: radii greater than 450 m and gradients less than 4 %.

Die geometrischen Ausbauelemente sind: Halbmesser von über 450 m und Gefälle unter 4 %.

23. Anterior-Biconvex IOLs with similar anterior and posterior radii of curvature will not cause large diopter surprises when reversed

24. The algebraic structures resulting from these arithmetic procedures and the radii of the enclosing circles are compared.

Die algebraische Struktur der dadurch erzeugten Arithmetiken und die Radien der Einschließungskreise werden verglichen.

25. Actinoid contraction refers to the gradual decrease in the ionic radii with increase in atomic number of Actinoids

26. The valence radii-Accentuator fills its own slot and thus may be worn with certain hats and glasses

27. The valence radii-Accentuator is a piece of headwear in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Old World Blues

28. The influence of groove fillet radii of vertical rolls on cropping and margin deformation of slab were analyzed.

29. The valence radii-Accentuator is a piece of headwear in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Old World Blues

30. Impact of Radii Ratios on a Two-Dimensional Cloaking Structure and Corresponding Analysis for Practical Design at Optical Wavelengths

31. Ferry takes vo as including not only the Van der Waals' radii but also the volume associated with vibrational motion.

32. This is the silk that's used to make the frame and radii of an orb web, and also the safety trailing dragline.

33. The computer did most of the hard work and produced four circles with radii 781 6 718 and 685 metres.

34. We think that's because the dragline silk, which is used to make the frame and radii for a web, needs to be very strong.

35. The valve leaflet is characterised as a shell surface with two principal radii of curvature R1, R2 and subtending angles θ1, θ2.

Das Klappenblatt wird als Schalenfläche mit zwei Haupt-RundungsradienR1,R2 und zwei gegenüberliegenden Winkeln θ1, θ2 dargestellt.

36. The net result is that the radii of brown dwarfs vary by only 10–15% over the range of possible masses.

37. It is sometimes called a ring.’ ‘The width of an Annulus is the difference between the radii of its two defining circles.’

38. The difference between the Zr(III) and Ti(III) materials is attributed in part to the relative radii of these metal centers.

39. Advanced Radii Each Radius will add an extra round of Alce on top of the others (up to 4) Drag to zero to

40. Along with the asteroid bodies, the asteroid belt also contains bands of dust with particle radii of up to a few hundred micrometres.

41. In technical drawing, an oval is a figure constructed from two pairs of arcs, with two different radii (see image on the right).

42. Though the maximum masses and corresponding radii are similar, bare strange quark stars and normal neutron stars could be distinguished in the regime of low masses.

43. Bedsites were sampled using the bedsite as the center of 4 radii, each radius being placed along the slope and perpendicular to the slope

44. Actinost and ring radii of each ring group showed a direct one‐to‐one relationship, with ring radius increasing in tandem with Actinost radius

45. The Counterbore tool typically has two cutting radii – one to create the pre-drilled hole, and the other for creating the recessed cavity in the workpiece

46. Find the area of rhombus ABCD giving that the radii of the circles circumscribed about triangles ABD and ACD are 12 5 and 25 respectively

47. Actinost and ring radii of each ring group showed a direct one-to-one relationship, with ring radius increasing in andem wt ith Actinost radius

48. The radian is the angle between two radii of a circle which cut off on the circumference an arc equal in length to the radius.

Der Radiant ist der Winkel zwischen zwei Radien eines Kreises, die aus dem Kreisumfang einen Bogen der Länge des Radius ausschneiden.

49. The area of the Annulus formed by two circles of radii a and b (with a>b) is A_(Annulus)=pi(a^2-b^2)

50. No new satellites were found to an apparent limiting red magnitude of 23.5, which corresponds to radii of about 0.09 km using an albedo of 0.07.