radio channel in Germany

adio channel [reidiəətʃænl] Radiokanal

Sentence patterns related to "radio channel"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "radio channel" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "radio channel", or refer to the context using the word "radio channel" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Antasphyctic Default radio channel number

2. Radio channel allocation and link adaptation in cellular telecommunication system

3. To achieve a optimized adaption on radio channel characteristics, the transmission modes are adjustable in a wide range.

Um eine optimale Anpassung an die Funkkanaleigenschaften zu ermöglichen, ist eine große Anzahl von Übertragungs-Modi einstellbar.

4. - given the scarcity of frequency resources, the service should be charged basically according to the duration of the radio channel use;

- Wegen des Mangels an Frequenzen sollte der Dienst in erster Linie nach der Dauer der Nutzung der Funkkanäle berechnet werden;

5. Welcome to the Bluesmen Channel On the Radio Channel you can hear and discover a large collection of new and top performers

6. comprises, e.g. in comparison to the faulty radio channel (D¿a?), merely one other time slot (t7) with the same radio frequency (f).

weist z. B. im Vergleich zu dem gestörten Funkkanal (D¿a?) lediglich einen anderen Zeitschlitz (t7) bei gleicher Funkfrequenz (f) auf.

7. Each participant organises its access to the radio channel by choosing free time slots considering the future use of time slots by other stations

Jeder Teilnehmer organisiert seinen Zugang zum Funkkanal durch die Wahl freier Zeitschlitze, wobei die künftige Verwendung von Zeitschlitzen durch andere Stationen berücksichtigt wird

8. Each participant organises its access to the radio channel by choosing free time slots considering the future use of time slots by other stations.

Jeder Teilnehmer organisiert seinen Zugang zum Funkkanal durch die Wahl freier Zeitschlitze, wobei die künftige Verwendung von Zeitschlitzen durch andere Stationen berücksichtigt wird.

9. The transmission signals in the adjoint network are predistorted in such a way that the influence of the proper mobile radio channel is canceled on each transmission channel.

Die Sendesignale im adjungierten Netz werden derart vorverzerrt, dass auf jedem Übertragungskanal der Einfluss des „eigenen' Mobilfunkkanals beseitigt wird.

10. After nearly 40 years of continuous Broadcast in Hong Kong, a 24-hour transmission of the BBC World Service will go silent in the former British colony, replaced with programming from China's state radio channel

11. A computer at the office recognizes your approximate location and assigns your telephone call to a two-way radio channel in that cell site, which will receive your voice and transmit the voice of the called party to you.