quantities in Germany

quantities [kwɔntitiz] Menge

Sentence patterns related to "quantities"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "quantities" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "quantities", or refer to the context using the word "quantities" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Quantities are easily misjudged.

2. For most products, national nominal quantities are allowed to exist alongside Community nominal quantities.

Bei den meisten Erzeugnissen sind neben den gemeinschaftsrechtlich festgesetzten Nennfüllmengen auch nationale Nennfüllmengen erlaubt.

3. Dispense # ml quantities into test tubes to make agar slants or # ml quantities into bottles

4. Quantities produced (actual weight) (2)

Mengen produziert (Nettogewicht) (2)

5. Quantities produced (actual weight) (1)

Mengen produziert (Nettogewicht) (1)

6. Dispense 10 ml quantities into test tubes to make agar slants or 100 ml quantities into bottles.

Zur Herstellung von Schrägagar werden je 10 ml in Proberöhrchen oder 100 ml in Flaschen gegeben .

7. Aflatoxins are not manufactured in commercial quantities but may be produced in small quantities for research purposes

8. Allocation of quantities under tariff quotas

Mengenzuteilungen im Rahmen der Zollkontingente

9. For measuring or checking geometrical quantities

zum Messen oder Prüfen geometrischer Größen

10. Aggregate quantities are expressed by mass.

11. Quantities introduced for processing (actual weight) (1)

Mengen gesendet für Ausbeinen oder Verarbeitung (Nettogewicht) (1)

12. quantities bought in during the accounting year

die im Laufe des Rechnungsjahres gekauften Mengen

13. The Dacians produced wine in massive quantities.

14. quantities bought in during the accounting year,

die im Laufe des Rechnungsjahres gekauften Mengen,

15. Blemished AR-15 Lower receivers Limited Quantities

16. Definition of Abundantly (adverb): in large quantities

17. Dry bulk Cargoes come in large, unpacked quantities

18. This similarity is provided by the average quantities.

19. Braille quantities are limited due to finite funding

20. • Agrarians have used farm resources at targeted quantities

21. Copra and abaca were exported in large quantities.

22. Commensurable and InCommensurable Quantities Two like quantities—for example, lengths or areas—are said to be Commensurable if they have a common measure

23. Quantities of food were spread out on the table.

24. They were used to imbibing enormous quantities of alcohol.

25. Quantities will remain in the neighborhood of present levels.

26. Barega Barege bark (colonial trade in large quantities of)

27. All Blade + Blue products are made in limited quantities

28. There were minute quantities on his lips and penis.

29. Large quantities of bullion are stored in the castle.

30. We offer both retail and wholesale quantities of Beads.

31. Storms deposit enormous quantities of sand on the alluvium.

Zu Sturmzeiten lagert das Meer große Sandmengen auf den vom Fluss gebildeten Schwemmlandflächen ab.

32. Huge quantities of oil were spilling into the sea.

33. Germany produced enormous quantities of coal, iron and steel.

34. Calorimeter an instrument for measuring quantities of heat, e.g

35. Calorimeter definition, an apparatus for measuring quantities of heat

36. Verification that the quantities catch respect the quota allocation;

Dritter Befehlshaber der Streitkräfte. Wichtige Rolle im Militärgeheimdienst.

37. Non-Agrarians have applied farm inputs more than target quantities

38. Exposure to Arsine (SA) in sufficient quantities can be fatal.

39. The total quantities reported were 8% under the allowable limit.

Die gemeldeten Gesamtmengen lagen um 8 % unter der zulässigen Obergrenze.

40. The area is actually the absolute value of these quantities.

41. The United States reportedly still has vast quantities of coal.

42. Huge quantities of food, clothing, and blankets have been airfreighted.

43. Erupting volcanoes discharge massive quantities of dust into the stratosphere.

44. (51) A monthly table shows tenders received and quantities accepted.

(51) Monatliche Auflistung der eingegangenen Angebote und der angenommenen Mengen.

45. Pug saw vast quantities of Lend - Lease material in use.

46. Crucibles Mix and melt small quantities of powders and chemicals.

47. Items or additional quantities not included on your Buyback list

48. In Batches definition is - in small quantities at a time

49. However, the only usable quantities of AByssium drop from bosses

50. Certain thermodynamic quantities have been calculated from the activity coefficients.