quantization in Germany

quantization [kwɔntaizeiʃən] Quantifizierung

Sentence patterns related to "quantization"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "quantization" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "quantization", or refer to the context using the word "quantization" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Quantization processes for residue differential pulse code modulation

2. Therefore, the image quality is improved by adaptively controlling the quantization parameters on the basis of the encoding size, and the efficiency of image compression is improved by efficient encoding and decoding of the quantization parameters which reduce the number of bits necessary for transmitting quantization parameters.

3. XviD features MPEG-# Advanced Profile settings such as b-frames, global and quarter pixel motion compensation, lumi masking, trellis quantization, and H.#, MPEG and custom quantization matrices

4. Quantization and compression of information in a direct acyclic graph

5. It reduces the high-frequency quantization noise generated by imprecisely positioned object edges.

6. The quantization step size is subsequently adapted per segment to the corresponding sub-target.

7. Perceptual subband audio coding using adaptive multitype sparse vector quantization, and signal saturation scaler

8. The locator can use the Doppler quantization scheme to reconstruct the actual relative velocity.

9. Computation and quantization of voiced excitation pulse shapes in linear predictive coding of speech

10. Therefore, the method of determining a variable quantization step size may improve channel decoding.

11. Method and apparatus for image encoding and decoding using adaptive quantization parameter differential

12. However, as a natural quantization scheme (a functor), Weyl's map is not satisfactory.

13. The invention also takes advantage of the efficient frequency-domain differential-quantization techniques typical of transform coding (TC) such as spectral decimation, flexible bit allocation as well as numerous forms of stored or algebraic vector quantization techniques.

14. A Lorentz-covariant quantization of non-Abelian gauge theories is performed by using the canonical formalism.

15. An image compression system includes a vectorizer and a hierarchical vector quantization table that outputs embedded code.

16. It is based on transform coding with adaptive time-resolution, adaptive bit-allocation and low complexity lattice vector quantization.

Es basiert auf Transformationskodierung mit anpassungsfähiger Zeitauflösung, anpassungsfähiger Bit-Zuweisung und komplexitätsarmer Gittervektor-Quantisierung.

17. In 1905, Einstein was the first to propose that energy quantization was a property of electromagnetic radiation itself.

18. Version 1 (1984) featured conditional replenishment, differential pulse-code modulation, scalar quantization, variable-length coding and a switch for sampling.

Version 1 (1984) bot bedingte Erneuerung, differentielle Puls-Code-Modulation, skalare Quantisierung, Kodierung mit Codewörtern variabler Länge und einen Umschalter für die Abtastung.

19. The device comprises means (230; 530) for converting between analogue and digital form with a limited number (b) of bits within a quantization range (+V¿QR?), means (215, 235, 245, 255; 520) for minimizing the noise by creating an ideal ratio (VQR/VRMS) between the quantization range and the RMS value of the AC component, and means for reducing unwanted DC components in the signal and centering the signal by the wanted DC components being placed in the centre of the quantization range.

20. It is applied where data compression or vector quantization is an issue, for example speech recognition, image processing or pattern recognition.

Anwendung findet es überall dort, wo Datenkompression oder Vektorquantisierung durchgeführt werden müssen, also zum Beispiel in der Spracherkennung, der Bildverarbeitung oder der Mustererkennung.

21. In a video coding system, the video data are subject to various processing such as prediction, transformation, quantization, deblocking, and adaptive loop filtering.

22. Some consequences of a qp quantization of a point group invariant developed in the enveloping algebra of SU(2) are examined in the present note.

23. The addition of noise or other outside signals (hum, interference) is not considered distortion, though the effects of quantization distortion are sometimes included in noise.

24. Guh, "Real-time recognition of control chart patterns in Autocorrelated processes using a learning vector quantization network-based approach," International Journal of Production Research, vol.

25. While this is extremely easy to implement on sufficiently simple theories, there are many situations where other methods of quantization yield more efficient procedures for computing quantum amplitudes.

26. In the Collinear magnetic configurations (parallel and antiparallel) considered above, the electron distribution function was diagonal in the spin space, when the global quantization axis was Collinear with the magnetizations

27. The present invention relates to a wavelet coefficient quantization method applying a human-eye visual model in image compression process and especially adapts to remote sensing image compression.

28. The method selectively clamps the transform coefficients into quantization bins defined by compression of the bi-level image. The selective clamping generates modified coefficients corresponding to the higher quality reconstructed image.

29. A method and system for an adaptive sigma-delta ($g(S)-Δ) modulator with one bit quantization that improves the signal-to-noise (SNR) of a $g(S)-Δ modulator is presented.

30. The original data values which fall into a given small interval, a Bin, are replaced by a value representative of that interval, often the central value.It is a form of quantization.

31. In order to describe situations in which gravity is strong enough to influence (quantum) matter, yet not strong enough to require quantization itself, physicists have formulated quantum field theories in curved spacetime.

32. In order to use the statistic dependencies available in the source signal for another gain in the signal-to-noise ratio, the differential pulse code modulation (DPCM) is combined with spherically logarithmic quantization.

Um die im Quellensignal vorhandenen statistischen Abhängigkeiten für einen weiteren Störabstandsgewinn ausnutzen zu können, wird die Differentielle Pulscodemodulation (DPCM) mit sphärisch logarithmischer Quantisierung kombiniert.

33. An MLT-3 interface emits less electromagnetic interference and requires less bandwidth than most other binary or ternary interfaces that operate at the same bit rate (see PCM for discussion on bandwidth / quantization tradeoffs), such as Manchester code or Alternate Mark Inversion.

34. In order to minimize the number of bits necessary for residual blocks, transform coefficients quantized according to the size of a transform encoding block are adaptively divided into a plurality of subsets, and quantization coefficients which are not 0 are scanned and encoded in each subset unit.

35. A plurality of analog-to-digital converter (ADC) cell structures receive as input a combination of the first input signal and the second input signal as well as a combination of quantization noise signals from the respective other ADC cell structures of the plurality of ADC cell structures.