purchaser in Germany

purchaser [pəːtʃəsər] Kunde, Käufe

Sentence patterns related to "purchaser"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "purchaser" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "purchaser", or refer to the context using the word "purchaser" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The purchaser price is the price the purchaser actually pays for the products, at the time of purchase.

Der Anschaffungspreis ist der Preis, den der Käufer tatsächlich für die Güter zum Zeitpunkt des Kaufes bezahlt.

2. Create your employer-purchaser Catalyze.org account here

3. One of the four key accounts was the single largest purchaser of Korean goods and an important purchaser of Atlas’s products.

4. Turkey is another major purchaser of Iranian oil .

5. In such event, purchaser agrees that (a) all such packaging, handling and delivery is at the sole risk of the purchaser and that Atmas shall have no liability for any loss or damage to such items, and (b) purchaser shall pay

6. The Backstop purchaser provides security to the issuing firm by

7. The purchaser does not pay freight charges in advance.

Für Frachten geht der Besteller nicht in Vorleistung.

8. The marketing services agreements benefitted So.Ge.A.AL as purchaser of advertising services.

Die Verträge über Marketingdienstleistungen seien So.Ge.A.AL als Abnehmer von Werbedienstleistungen zugutegekommen.

9. The prospective purchaser can also choose the size of the gadget.

10. The purchaser may wish to accept repudiation and sue for damages.

11. Williams Holdings is perhaps the classic example of the vulture purchaser.

12. The cost of the denaturing operation shall be borne by the purchaser.

Die Kosten der Denaturierungsmaßnahmen gehen zu Lasten des Käufers.

13. 2) The purchaser shall be obligated to immediately inspect the delivered products with respect to obvious defects, which shall attract the attention of an average purchaser without much ado.

2) Der Käufer ist verpflichtet, die gelieferte Ware unverzüglich auf offensichtliche Mängel, die einem durchschnittlichen Käufer ohne weiteres auffallen, zu untersuchen.

14. Attornment is the tenant’s agreement to acknowledge the purchaser at a foreclosure

15. The Purchaser, in its personal or corporate capacity and, if applicable, on behalf of each beneficial purchaser for whom it is acting, irrevocably Attorns to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the

16. The publisher specification provides impression information regarding impressions desired by the advertising purchaser.

17. We reserve the right to change prices without informing the purchaser in advance.

Preisänderungen bleiben bis zur wirksamen Annahme des Angebotes durch den Kunden vorbehalten.

18. Purchaser confirms receipt of the delivery on a bill of lading and a VAT invoice.

Der Käufer bestätigt die Lieferungsabnahme auf dem Lieferschein und auf der Rechnung.

19. Inflation is a monetary phenomenon, which involves only monetary transactions and actual purchaser prices.

Die Inflation ist ein monetäres Phänomen, bei dem es nur um monetäre Transaktionen und tatsächliche Anschaffungspreise geht.

20. The Purchaser must return the products to Heuga, at the Purchaser's expense, after dissolution.

Der Käufer ist nach der Auflösung verpflichtet, Heuga die Produkte zurückzuschicken.

21. • contributions are made by the purchaser in advance of the funeral services being provided;

22. The Purchaser will be responsible for all transport risks during the return of Products.

Das Transportrisiko zurückgegebener Produkte trägt der Kunde.

23. Any changes to that information shall be communicated to the purchaser before the contract is concluded

Änderungen dieser Angaben müssen dem Erwerber vor Abschluß des Vertrages mitgeteilt werden

24. In all cases, all shipment costs from/to the seller are charged to the purchaser.

Die Versandkosten von/zu dem Verkäufer gehen stets zu Lasten des Käufers.

25. In the purchaser/provider situation, they may be heavily involved in audit and standard setting.

26. It does not purport to contain all the information that a prospective purchaser may require.

27. • acts as intermediary between vendor and purchaser in negotiating the terms of purchase and sale;

28. In addition each purchaser paid a commission to Brandeis Goldschmidt in consideration of its services as agents.

Darüber hinaus zahlte jeder Käufer Brandeis Goldschmidt eine Provision für dessen Dienste als Vermittler.

29. In its assessment of the purchaser the Commission will take into account the market characteristics and structure.

Bei ihrer Begutachtung des Käufers berücksichtigt die Kommission auch die besonderen Merkmale und Strukturen des einschlägigen Marktes.

30. A Brokerage is a firm that acts as an intermediary between a purchaser and a seller

31. (a) where the first purchaser is the processor, the quantity actually processed by more than 2 %;

a) in dem Fall, in dem der erste Käufer der Verarbeiter ist, die tatsächlich verarbeitete Menge nicht um mehr als 2 % überschreiten darf,

32. In such a case the purchaser may plead res ipsa loquitur - the facts speak for themselves.

33. The license may allow the purchaser to install and use the program on only one computer.

34. Held: the Adjudgers were affected by the debtor’s fraud, even if a purchaser would not have been

35. The purchaser shall accept the applicability of these conditions through the mere fact of placing an order.

Der Käufer erkennt die Gültigkeit dieser Bedingungen mit der Auftragsvergabe als verbindlich an.

36. Jehovah, the God of Jacob, recognized the sale and conferred the divine blessing upon the purchaser, Jacob.

37. 1 In such a case the purchaser may plead res ipsa loquitur - the facts speak for themselves.

38. Actually, as along-time purchaser of XL size shirts, they have changed quite Considerablyover the years

39. The warranties serve as a means of allocating business risk between the vendor and the purchaser.

40. The outgoings shall, if necessary, be apportioned between the Vendor and Purchaser and paid on completion.

41. Obligations particular to the load it salesman are used to protect the interests or health from the purchaser.

42. • contributions are made by the purchaser in advance of the provision of the cemetery property and services;

43. Backstop Purchaser: An entity that agrees to purchase all the remaining, unsubscribed securities from a rights offering

44. C) Boatsmen accepted $150,000 cash and gave the purchaser the deed for the property described in item b.

45. The purchaser took legal action for reimbursement, on the ground that Community law precluded such a charge.

Der Käufer hatte mit der Begründung, das Gemeinschaftsrecht stehe einer solchen Belastung entgegen, auf Rückzahlung der Abgabe geklagt.

46. A purchaser of shares may need to resort to petitioning the court to buy out minority shareholders.

47. On the sale, the purchaser should not assume any such liabilities as they are not liabilities to the employees.

48. On day 91 the Treasury bill is said to mature - the original purchaser is lending money to the government.

49. I have been a Boody purchaser for the past 12 months and like the bamboo materials and comfort

50. Accommodation (noun) An offer of substitute goods to fulfill a contract, which will bind the purchaser if accepted