purges in Germany

purges [pəːdʒiz] Säuberungsaktione

Sentence patterns related to "purges"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "purges" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "purges", or refer to the context using the word "purges" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. 17 Veteran extras warn neophytes to beware the purges.

2. He snares, he purges, he Bloodlusts when his friends die

3. Stalin conducted mass purges, executions and forced deportations of many ethnic groups.

4. If by chance he does he purges himself by religiously prescribed ablutions.

5. Chinwag Will Obey the Laws of Mathematics; Mastodon Deployed; Inactive Account Purges; Tag Cloud

6. This led to a series of purges in many countries to stifle the movement.

7. Synonyms for Aperients include laxatives, purgatives, cathartics, purges, eccoprotics, emetics, evacuants, lenitives, physic and enemas

8. Synonyms for Bowdlerises include censors, expurgates, blue-pencils, cleans up, cuts, sanitises, sanitizes, edits, launders and purges

9. Ten years later, after the nightmare of Stalinist purges, terror, and ethnic cleansing, we became refugees again, as we were forced to move to Greece.

10. He also said that the infighting and purges in ZANU–PF had led to chaos and "no meaningful development in the country for the past five years".

11. The most gentle purges to begin with, are [4255] senna, cassia, epithyme, myrabolanea, Catholicon: if these prevail not, we may proceed to stronger, as the confection of hamech, pil

12. Medical Definition of Bulimarexia 1 : bulimia sense 2 … an increasingly common phenomenon known as bulimia or Bulimarexia, an out-of-control cycle of binge-eating followed by purges to get rid of the thousands of calories that may have been consumed in just half an hour

13. During this period the regime launched several campaigns of purges in which numerous "enemies of the state" and "parasite elements" were targeted for different forms of punishment, such as deportation, internal exile, and internment in forced labour camps and prisons, sometimes for life, as well as extrajudicial killing.