punishments in Germany

punishments [pʌniʃmənts] Strafe

Sentence patterns related to "punishments"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "punishments" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "punishments", or refer to the context using the word "punishments" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Duly mete out rewards and punishments.

2. A boy Caned by his favourite (lady) teacher: School & College Punishments: Two boys slippered by the deputy headmaster: School & College Punishments: A workplace spanking: Other Punishments: How a spanking interest was formed: Other Punishments: A boy Caned: School & College Punishments: Boy Caned by favourite teacher: School & College

3. Mithridates took revenge and inflicted terrible punishments.

4. The district increased punishments for miss behavior ( misbehavior ).

5. ARCHIMEDES THOMAS LITTLE HEATH In order that the punishments of different classes of crime may be proportional, the punishments should be Commensurable

6. Allan Kardec viewed such things as punishments.

7. It administered punishments, including expulsions from the Party.

8. Misdemeanor assaults, batteries, and Affrays, simple and aggravated; punishments

9. Misdemeanor assaults, batteries, and Affrays, simple and aggravated; punishments

10. Misdemeanor assaults, batteries, and Affrays, simple and aggravated; punishments

11. The punishments accorded with the current code of discipline.

12. According to their nature, administrative punishments can be grouped into three types: (i) punishments resulting in specific actions, such as revoking permits of licenses, and ordering the suspension of production and operations; (ii) punishments involving property, such as fining and confiscation of illegal property; and (iii) punishments of an admonitory nature, such as warning.

13. I agree that early Bedtimes are the worst of punishments

14. The serf owners safeguarded the feudal serfdom with savage punishments.

15. ARCHIMEDES THOMAS LITTLE HEATH In order that the punishments of different classes of crime may be proportional, the punishments should be Commensurable. THE ENGLISH UTILITARIANS, VOLUME I

16. It also prohibits the issue of permits for owning or keeping weapons to persons who have been sentenced to Afflictive punishments or to punishments for domestic violence

17. Despite various punishments already meted out, the idolatrous Israelites remain obstinate.

18. These courts are empowered to dispense a wide range of punishments including death.

19. The punishments for robbery and murder are prescribed in the penal code.

20. In this way, if we voluntarily accept Affliction, we will be freed from our sickness and from the punishments to come, and perhaps even from present punishments as well.” ― St

21. The school has a system of rewards and punishments to encourage good behaviour.

22. The law and the necessary punishments delineate a bottom line for decent human interaction.

23. General deterrence theory is often cited to justify punishments, sometimes in specific cases.

24. David is compelled to choose between three classical punishments - disasters, famine or pestilence.

25. Beyond these two especially high-profile cases, this term gives the Court an opportunity to reshape the law governing Cruel and unusual punishments — and to potentially weaken existing safeguards against such punishments considerably

26. Punishments for prisoners include loss of privileges and, more Controversially, the stopping of visits

27. Behaviorism is the psychological philosophy that people's behaviors are driven by rewards and punishments

28. There is little evidence that harsher punishments deter any better than more lenient ones.

29. Her belief in the promised afterlife, in a fixed system of rewards and punishments, was great.

30. In this article, we will cover the punishments for Arson and the differences in Arson …

31. He also carried out cruel punishments that caused the people to lose faith in him.

32. Antonyms for Babysittings include punishments, aggressions, thrashings, violences, abuses, assaults, bashings, batteries, beatings and hammerings

33. Confiscation of vessel; and Other maritime administrative punishments provided for by laws and administrative regulations.

34. The edict says that it is desirable that there be impartiality in judicial proceedings and punishments .

35. They inveighed against slavery, concubinage , foot binding, arranged marriage, cruel punishments, and the use of opium.

36. Differential application of punishments in law based on sex, including cruel, inhuman or degrading forms of punishment;

37. Those who were obliged to reject the ridiculous legends which invested the whole of their Pantheon, together with the fabulous Adjudgers of future punishments, could not but dismiss the punishments, which were, in fact, as laughable, and as obviously …

38. Chapel and Sunday-school were to me cruel ceremonious punishments for the freedom of Monday to Saturday ....

39. They are expressive of the sentiments of retributive justice that Beccaria wished to exclude from consideration of punishments.

40. Counteracting Opposition Arguments If the YCJA had harsher punishments, many people would argue, or have complaints against the change

41. Informal Army punishments known as Beastings have come under the spotlight following the death of Pte Gavin Williams

42. Although lynch law and lynching are mainly associated with hanging, other(Sentence dictionary), less severe punishments were used.

43. Article 43 of the draft law on reform of the Criminal Code provided for alternative punishments for adults.

44. Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed,[sentence dictionary] nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

45. Mistress bullwhip, bullwhip, cruel punishments, f4mdom Bullwhipping, bdsm bullwhip, german femdom whip, cruel femdom whippings, cruel whipping, Bullwhipping femdom

46. He should implement the canonical punishments, just as the Prophet did, and he should rule according to God’s revelation.”

47. We seem to be interested in judicious use when we call rewards and punishments just or unjust and fair or unfair.

48. Immediate superiors were crucial in mediating the discipline by senior officers, and in the infliction of their own minor punishments.

49. Cesare Beccaria: As punishments become more cruel, the minds of men, which like fluids always adjust to the level of the objects that surround them, become hardened, and after a hundred years of cruel punishments, breaking on the wheel causes no more fear than imprisonment previously did.

50. Assents, Sexuality, Honor, and Disgrace Punishments for going astray from the guidelines of social division fluctuate across and inside societies