prune in Germany

prune [pruːn] Backpflaume, Dörrpflaume

Sentence patterns related to "prune"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "prune" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "prune", or refer to the context using the word "prune" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. 9 Prune back the longer branches.

2. Prune out any unnecessary details.

3. 11 When should you prune apple trees?

4. 8 Prune out any unnecessary details.

5. 3 Prune the trees hard in the winter.

6. 7 There is no best way to prune.

7. 1 When should you prune apple trees?

8. Compare clip, pare , prune , trim and shave.

9. 15 Deep lines grooved her prune of a face.

10. 10 Prune rambling roses when the flowers have faded.

11. Prune bush roses and any shrub roses needing attention.

12. Try to prune your essay of irrelevant detail.

13. Prune rambling roses when the flowers have faded.

14. Prune and destroy dead buds and Cankered twigs if present

15. You have to prune a bush if you want fruit.

16. Prune branches often if you’d like a Bushier plant

17. 14 How should I prune it and take cuttings?

18. 6 Try to prune your essay of irrelevant detail.

19. Prune fruit and other ornamental trees during winter dormancy.

20. 2 I am going to prune this bush down.

21. Also, prune juice, which lacks cellulose, has the same laxative properties.

22. 4 You have to prune a bush if you want fruit.

23. 13 Prune bush roses and any shrub roses needing attention.

24. 5 You should prune the speech down; it's too long.

25. This tool was used to prune vines. —Isa 18:5

26. 17 Prune fruit and other ornamental trees during winter dormancy.

27. 16 A better solution is to prune roots and branches.

28. We could spend 10, 000 lifetimes trying to prune this legal jungle.

29. 24 Water the poinsettia moderately, experts say. Before Easter, prune severely.

30. To cut or prune (a tree) in making or maintaining a Coppice

31. You should not sow your field with seed or prune your vineyard.

32. He would no longer prune his figurative vine or hoe its soil.

33. Prune was pregnant again and wore a murky green long woollen smock.

34. * Servants of the Lord shall prune his vineyard for the last time, Jacob 6.

35. Prune Hydrangea paniculata to within one or two buds from the main stems.

36. 27 Roll one rasher around each prune and secure with a cocktail stick.

37. 23 Prune was pregnant again and wore a murky green long woollen smock.

38. 18 Some algorithms forward prune any paths which fall below a certain threshold.

39. Then it does that and tries to explain that, and prune out its self-models.

40. A cup of prune juice blended with two cups of chilled milk produces a delightful beverage.

41. To prune, lop off, or remove: Because of space limitations the editor Amputated the last …

42. In west Africa, Fulani herdmen prune the tree during the dry season to feed cattle.

43. Both systems use transition probabilities between syntactically tagged form class pairs to prune the search.

44. Prune the shrub heavily now and fresh green growths should appear in March and April.

45. If opened prune juice is stored unrefrigerated, the juice will develop spoilage organisms that can cause illness.

46. An image that captures the dichotomy of possibilities in getting older is the plum versus the prune.

47. 12 Prune the shrub heavily now and fresh green growths should appear in March and April.

48. 30 Both systems use transition probabilities between syntactically tagged form class pairs to prune the search.

49. Crape Myrtles are one of the most resilient and prune-able plants I have ever seen

50. Abutilons produce flowers on the current season's growth, so prune in late winter or early spring