pseudonymous in Germany

pseudonymous [sjuːdəniməs] pseudonym

Sentence patterns related to "pseudonymous"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "pseudonymous" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "pseudonymous", or refer to the context using the word "pseudonymous" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. In the early 1920s, Leopold Stokowski gave Stravinsky regular support through a pseudonymous 'benefactor'.

2. The superscription, if original, Compels us to treat the whole writing as not only late but pseudonymous

3. Bitcoin was the first cryptocurrency to successfully record transactions on a secure, decentralized blockchain-based network.Launched in early 2009 by its pseudonymous creator Satoshi Nakamoto

4. The pseudonymous analyst known as Cantering Clark says in a YouTube video that he’s bullish on Shroom.Finance (SHROOM), a DeFi ecosystem for NFT minting and trading.

5. By all rights I should have become a Bluestockinged wildwoman—an artist of pseudonymous fame and freakish habits; but it is a notoriously difficult thing to throw over the chains of the world’s expectations of females

6. 21 I think a different disciple came around, knew about the letter to the Colossians, used Colossians as a model,and then wrote the letter to the Ephesians as another pseudonymous letter.

7. Assumed adjective false, affected, made-up, pretended, fake, imitation, bogus, simulated, sham, counterfeit, feigned, spurious, fictitious, make-believe, pseudonymous, phoney or phony (informal) The articles were published under an Assumed name

8. A product of the Judeo-Christian tradition, Apocalyptic literature is characteristically pseudonymous; it takes narrative form, employs esoteric language, expresses a pessimistic view of the present, and treats the final events as imminent.

9. Because Bots aren’t illegal, and there’s no easy way to prevent them from snapping up the remaining Genesis MoonCats, the project’s pseudonymous developers, Ponderware, have set up a vote to determine whether to destroy the private key to the remaining 160 Genesis MoonCats, locking them in their cages forever.

10. Derrick writes: This talk outlines preliminary research on women correspondents in Aliened American (1853-1854?)—Lucie Stanton (Day), Mary Frances Vashon (Colder) (aka “Fanny Homewood”), “Maria” “Becky,” “Ida” and “Nancy”—as a way to understand pseudonymous correspondences as a cultural phenomenon in mid-nineteenth-century Black newspapers and Black women’s