prostration in Germany

prostration [prɔstreiʃən] Kniefall, Niederwerfung

Sentence patterns related to "prostration"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "prostration" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "prostration", or refer to the context using the word "prostration" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The commander's prostration demoralized his men.

2. Ceremonial prostration is part of Muslim prayer.

3. Airman Ryan and I went to morning prostration.

Ryan und ich waren morgens beim Kniefall.

4. There may be marked nervous excitement and prostration.

5. Prostration comes in spells, unlike Arsenicum where it is continuous.

6. A long period of worrying led to her nervous prostration.

7. There was a general prostration of business after the war.

8. Two of the runners collapsed in a state of prostration.

9. The small property all has slight of nervous prostration disease.

10. So the Japanese would go on Belligerencies until the point of entire prostration

11. Objective: observe the experience antibiotic utilizing and adjusting on 76 respiration prostration cases'machinery Ventilating.

12. The amount of nervous excitement, and consequent prostration, exhaustion, and disorder they cause is fearful.

13. Helen said he was breaking his heart, and was sad to see his prostration.

14. 11 The sickness is characterized by sudden onset, coughing, dyspnea, fever, prostration, and rapid recovery.

15. The sickness is characterized by sudden onset, coughing, dyspnea, fever, prostration[], and rapid recovery.

16. Synonyms for Bowing include kneeling, abasement, adoration, kowtowing, worship, prostration, falling down, submission, bow and kowtow

17. Meanwhile, it has an outstanding effect for nervous prostration, cardiovascular diseases, masculine sexual dysfunction and gynecopathy .

18. If qi fails to attach to body fluid , qi - deficiency and even qi prostration will ensue.

19. Arise from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you - Rise to a new life!

20. After her initial prostration, Constanze proved remarkably resilient, and began to demonstrate her innate capacity for organization.

21. Two of the runners in the Marathon race collapsed and were carried off in a state of prostration.

22. Shigellosis, also known as Bacillary dysentery, is a common food-borne infection that causes diarrhea with fever, toxemia, and general prostration

23. The practice of prostration, with the head touching the ground before royal audiences, banned decades earlier by King Chulalongkorn, was reinstated.

24. Arsenicum [Ars] Aphthae become livid and bluish, with great prostration; thrush in mouth and fauces; painful blisters in mouth and on tongue.

25. Adoration is often expressed in prostration (physically lowering one’s body), heartfelt worship, and an attitude of high regard for the person or thing that is being adored.

26. Because of this temperature and the level of humidity in the saunas, you will find that often heat prostration and heat stroke can occur.

27. This kind of mineral spring cans drink and can bathe, can cure the diseases, such as stomach trouble, nervous prostration, skin disease and high blood pressure. Etc.

28. Buffered Salt is a combination mineral supplement that may be helpful in reducing tiredness, muscle cramps, or heat prostration that can occur when you sweat more than usual

29. Typically prostration is distinguished from the lesser acts of bowing or kneeling by involving a part of the body above the knee touching the ground, especially the hands.

30. Agranulocytosis An acute condition marked by severe depression of the bone marrow, which produces white blood cells, and by prostration, chills, swollen neck, and sore throat sometimes with local ulceration

31. In survivors there was generally a temporary anorexia, oligodipsia, loss of body weight, diuresis, glycosuria or proteinuria, aciduria or alkalinuria, abdominal tenderness, epistaxis, hemodacryorrhea, hind limb paralysis, prostration and thoracic rales lasting for a day or two.

Die überlebenden Ratten zeigten im allgemeinen eine vorübergehende Anorexie, Oligodipsie, Körpergewichts-Verlust, Diurese, Glykosurie oder Albuminurie, Acidurie oder Alkalinurie, abdominalen Druckschmerz, Nasenbluten, Hemodakryorrhoe, Lähmung der Hinterbeine, Prostration und Rasselgeräusche über dem Thorax, die 1–2 Tage anhielten.

32. ‘When Fosca Abases herself in front of the hero crying, ‘one loves a dog, an animal ‘she is both using emotional blackmail and exposing her raw passion.’’ ‘Countless bank executives have abased themselves at her feet.’ ‘Generally, those of the lower orders abased themselves through prostration in front of those who outranked

33. ) (from "esthetique du mal" by wallace stevens) ("home" and "groaned" rhyme Assonantly) consonant rhyme example- but antichrist got down from the barbary beast and doffed his plume in courteous prostration; christ left his jennet's back in deprecation and raised him, his own hand about the waist.