protectionism in Germany

protectionism [prətekʃənizəm] Schutzzollpolitik

Sentence patterns related to "protectionism"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "protectionism" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "protectionism", or refer to the context using the word "protectionism" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Currency devaluations are the moment when protectionism gets nasty.

2. And do not forget populism and protectionism.

3. Recession and rising unemployment always provoke calls for protectionism.

4. The other aspect is the revival of trade protectionism.

5. Trade protectionism begins to prevail when economic depression occurs.

6. One more argument downplay protectionism can be discounted.

7. 7 One more argument downplay protectionism can be discounted.

8. Our party can never follow the path of protectionism.

9. Some people argue that it also explains government regulation of market trade and protectionism.

10. Racial quotas and protectionism are scaring away some foreign investors.

11. In public life his guiding principles were Protestantism and protectionism.

12. In two fields - telecommunications and media - self-sufficiency and protectionism predominate.

13. We absolutely must lay the ghost of protectionism to rest.

Wir müssen das Gespenst des Protektionismus ein- für allemal zur Ruhe betten.

14. Employers' organizations generally welcomed the package, whereas farmers were among the fiercest supporters of protectionism.

15. These tendency may arouse trade protectionism, browbeat thereby global economy is integrated.

16. Shrill voices on both sides of the Atlantic are advocating protectionism.

17. Still, these averages mask a lot of protectionism for individual sectors.

18. 6 In two fields - telecommunications and media - self-sufficiency and protectionism predominate.

19. In our view, protectionism is simply not the solution in tackling global recession.

20. 21 Overcome local protectionism through implementing the system such as judge annulus hillock, realize fair judicatory.

21. 26 High interest rates and protectionism in potential export markets worsened the current account balance.

22. Protectionism is also rife in such areas as the electronics and semi-conductor industries.

23. Farm protectionism is not new and international markets grotesquely distorted by tariffs and subsidies.

24. But the relative strength of scale economies and political protectionism varies greatly between different communications fields.

25. Given China's undervalued currency of recent years, it is hardly innocent in the protectionism debate.

26. We urge all parties to oppose all forms of protectionism and trade distorting domestic support.

27. Dole, Alexander and Forbes responded by accusing Buchanan of advocating a dangerous form of protectionism.

28. In general terms, the report argues that protectionism has a negative effect on the environment.

29. As it was Britain's shift to protectionism and Imperial Preference provoked much criticism from Washington.

30. Policies of protectionism under these already adverse circumstances will exacerbate the serious situation that many countries face.

31. Fears of rising protectionism in the West are a newfound Asian enthusiasm to promote intraregional trade.

32. 24 We must oppose all forms of trade protectionism and any attempt to politicize economic and trade issues.

33. Now, I could see why they think protectionism is good, because sometimes it seems like trade is unfair.

34. The Communiqué pledged to instill confidence, restore stability, repair financial system, strengthen regulation, reform IFIs, reject protectionism and build recovery.

35. But those of us who understand history must shudder at his adulation of the false gods of isolationism and protectionism.

36. North-South models; international migration of labour; trade and industrial structure in the 1930s; the political economy of protectionism.

37. Mr. Putin has, in contrast, argued for greater protectionism and for building a trade bloc of former Soviet republics.

38. Open markets and a rule-based trading system, built on the World Trade Organization, were crucial bulwarks against protectionism and beggar-thy-neighbour policies.

39. The idealistic arm of animal protectionism also includes its fair share of extremists, such as the now infamous Animal Liberation Front.

40. I absolutely supported the views of His Excellency that there should not be any protectionism - that is a very bad idea - in such times.

41. This protectionism hampers access to international markets for small and medium-sized enterprises, which form the backbone of the European economy, adding a further burden and restrictions.

Dieser Protektionismus erschwert den Zugang zu internationalen Märkten für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen, die das Rückgrat der europäischen Wirtschaft bilden, und fügt zusätzliche Belastungen und Beschränkungen hinzu.

42. Open markets and a rule-based trading system, built on the World Trade Organization, were crucial bulwarks against protectionism and beggar-thy-neighbour policies

43. In the immediate aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, the G-20 seemed to help governments to coordinate their actions and avoid rampant protectionism.

Unmittelbar im Anschluss an die Finanzkrise 2008 schien die Gruppe der 20 Regierungen dabei zu unterstützen, ihre Maßnahmen zu koordinieren und blindwütigen Protektionismus zu verhindern.

44. Sadly, these were often abused by Latin American governments (and some economists at ECLA itself) to justify exaggerated protectionism and inflationary financing of government.

45. According to his productivity theory, he put forward his Protectionism for the infant industry of Germany and rebutted Smith's liberalism which was overwhelming in the whole Europe at that time.

46. Second, with these policies growing with a vengeance, any Western victory on the renminbi would be pyrrhic as Western firms could be subject to greater murky protectionism by the Chinese authorities.

47. If protectionism is allowed to take root this would spell the end of an open Internet, and instead of being an open and dynamic environment, the Web would become Balkanised

48. * The Ministers urged all parties to take concrete actions to oppose all forms of protectionism and work for early, comprehensive and balanced outcomes from the Doha Development Agenda, consistent with its mandate, based on the progress already made, including with regard to modalities.

49. And since national security is regularly Bruited as the excuse for nascent protectionism, where did they ever get the idea that the latter would make us safer in a foreign policy sense? Reprinted from RealClearMarkets

50. First, the G20 must adhere to its anti-protectionism pledge and strengthen the rules-based multilateral trading system anchored in the World Trade Organisation (WTO), which is our best chance for a global level playing field.

Erstens muss die G20 zu ihrem Engagement gegen Protektionismus stehen und das regelbasierte multilaterale Handelssystem, das in der Welthandelsorganisation (WTO) verankert ist, stärken, da dies unsere beste Chance für gleiche Ausgangsbedingungen weltweit ist.