proselytizing in Germany

proselytizing [prɔseltaiziŋ] bekehrend

Sentence patterns related to "proselytizing"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "proselytizing" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "proselytizing", or refer to the context using the word "proselytizing" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Accused of Aggressive Proselytizing

2. He was also remarkable for the proselytizing zeal with which he wrote his political pamphlets.

3. Some Jewish Portlanders Alarmed or annoyed after seemingly targeted proselytizing book arrives in mail

4. The proselytizing activities of the United States on behalf of human rights were inappropriate and defied logic

5. (Matthew 24:14) This preaching campaign would differ significantly from most religious proselytizing carried out over the centuries.

6. Blasphemy is punishable by up to seven years in prison and proselytizing can be punished by up to 10 years in prison.

7. Non-Muslim religious groups are permitted to openly advertise group functions, but proselytizing or distributing religious literature is strictly prohibited under penalty of criminal prosecution, imprisonment, and deportation for engaging in behavior offensive to Islam.

8. ▪ The account at Acts 18:12, 13 states that Jews in Corinth accused Paul of proselytizing illegally and that they led him to “the judgment seat,” or beʹma (a Greek word meaning “step”).

9. Those who are most vulnerable to the aggressive proselytizing of sects—a just cause for concern—and those who are incapable of resisting the onslaught of agnosticism, relativism and secularization are generally the baptized who remain insufficiently evangelized; they are easily influenced because their faith is weak, confused, easily shaken and naive, despite their innate religiosity.

Die Menschen, die für den aggressiven Proselytismus der Sekten, der zu Recht Anlaß zur Sorge gibt, am verwundbarsten sind und die nicht in der Lage sind, dem Ansturm des Agnostizismus, des Relativismus und Laizismus standzuhalten, sind in der Regel Getaufte, die nicht genügend im Evangelium unterwiesen wurden und leicht zu beeinflussen sind, weil sie einen zerbrechlichen Glauben haben, der manchmal verworren, schwankend und naiv ist, auch wenn sie eine angeborene Religiosität bewahren.