prophecies in Germany

prophecies [prəfesiz] Weissagunge

Sentence patterns related to "prophecies"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "prophecies" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "prophecies", or refer to the context using the word "prophecies" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Prophecies about Noah’s descendants (18-29)

2. Many indeed are Isaiah’s glowing restoration prophecies.

3. The Restoration fulfills many biblical prophecies.

4. Safety Behaviours can become ‘self-fulfilling prophecies

5. * Prophecies for us and for our posterity.

6. Self-fulfilling prophecies appear in classical Sanskrit literature.

7. Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem fulfilled which prophecies?

8. What prophecies of peace have the clergy made?

9. The Book of Mormon fulfills biblical prophecies that:

10. (b) What counsel and encouragement do these prophecies give?

11. (Isaiah 44:28) Prophecies in Jehovah’s Word never fail.

12. How abundant are Messianic prophecies in the Hebrew Scriptures?

13. You are witnessing fulfillment of Bible prophecies today.

14. Some people say that he channeled his prophecies.

15. (Ezekiel 33:21, 22) He has restoration prophecies to declare.

16. 19 Ezekiel too was given glowing prophecies of restoration.

17. What prophecies did Isaiah and Jeremiah record against Babylon?

18. I was impressed by the accuracy of its prophecies.

19. Finally, chapters 46–51 are prophecies against foreign nations.

20. Question: What Bible prophecies are we seeing fulfilled today?

21. All these events fulfill the prophecies of Isaiah 19:1-11.

22. You will find the narratives in Daniel thrilling, the prophecies fascinating.

23. * What prophecies in the Old and New Testaments foretold the Restoration?

24. Cowry loves to read stories about adventurers, prophecies and magical objects

25. 17 The prophecies of the Bible focus in on our day.

26. * The prophecies shall all be fulfilled, D&C 1:37–38.

27. What prophecies will see their marvelous fulfillment in the new world?

28. Additional Messianic prophecies will be examined in the next article.

29. The inspiration of the Bible is shown by fulfilled prophecies.

30. These doom and gloom prophecies are doing little to help the economy.

31. Archaeology and history testify to the accurate fulfillment of Bible prophecies.

32. Many of those prophecies focus on the restoration of pure worship.

33. But Flynn, like many others, still won't shrug off the 2012 prophecies.

34. These are just two of many examples demonstrating the accuracy of Bible prophecies.

35. (b) Why should honesthearted people not be disturbed by such prophecies?

36. 11 Bible prophecies do not deal only with the ancient past.

37. Prophecies —information written in advance about what definitely would occur in the future.

38. Other prophecies are fully understood by servants of God only after their fulfillment.

39. Consider two Bible prophecies that help us to identify Gog of Magog.

40. Almost all the prophecies of this book are fulfilled during the Lord’s day.

41. The minister suggested that the dire prophecies of certain leading environmentalists were somewhat exaggerated.

42. This 196-page book combined information about Restitution with Biblical time prophecies.

43. The prophecies themselves, however, make plain that they extend beyond that time.

Aus den Prophezeiungen selbst geht jedoch eindeutig hervor, daß sich ihre Erfüllung über jene Zeit hinaus erstreckt.

44. There are many prophecies in the Bible that have already come true.

45. Why do ye speak against all the prophecies of the holy prophets?

46. Righteous angels executed God’s judgments and transmitted prophecies and directions, including the Mosaic Law.

47. Apocalypto was a book that contained the poetic prophecies of an unknown author

48. Our consideration of four Bible prophecies should reinforce our determination to do what?

49. Bible prophecies describe in detail the concluding period of the present system of things.

50. • Why are Bible prophecies rather than predictions by futurologists or astrologers to be trusted?