proportionally in Germany

proportionally [prəpɔːʃənəliː] proportional, verhältnismäßig

Sentence patterns related to "proportionally"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "proportionally" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "proportionally", or refer to the context using the word "proportionally" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. the braking force varies proportionally as the action on the control (monotonic function);

die Bremskraft im gleichen Sinne wie die Einwirkung auf die Betätigungseinrichtung wirkt (gleichförmige Wirkung),

2. More complex Arborizations had proportionally more inactive synapses than less complex Arborizations

3. If such charges are paid in advance, they shall be reimbursed proportionally.

Im Voraus gezahlte Entgelte sind anteilmäßig zu erstatten.

4. 9 I love my face, it lets my five senses proportionally distributed.

5. Primitive non-avian theropods have proportionally shorter limbs at any given size than more advanced forms, and small species have proportionally longer limbs than large species, as in extant mammals.

Kleinere Raubdinosaurier haben erheblich längere Hintergliedmaßen im Verhältnis zur Körperlänge als große Formen, und avanciertere Formen haben bei jeder Körpergröße längere Hintergliedmaßen als primitive Formen vergleichbarer Größe.Caudipteryx ist klein und avanciert und hat deshalb sehr lange Hintergliedmaßen, was auch bei anderen Formen der Fall ist, sogar bei einigen Omithischiem.

6. The braking force varies proportionally as the action on the control (monotonic function);

die Bremskraft im gleichen Sinne wie die Einwirkung auf die Betätigungseinrichtung wirkt (gleichförmige Wirkung);

7. The amplitude of all but the normalized primary color may be adjusted proportionally.

8. It states that bed elevation increases (the bed aggrades) proportionally to the amount of sediment that drops out of transport, and conversely decreases (the bed degrades) proportionally to the amount of sediment that becomes entrained by the flow.

9. The coefficient of adhesion kR shall be determined proportionally according to the dynamic axle loads.

Der Kraftschlussbeiwert kR ist unter Berücksichtigung der dynamischen Achslasten zu ermitteln.

10. the braking force varies proportionally to the action on the control (monotonic function); and

die Bremskraft sich proportional zur Einwirkung auf die Betätigungseinrichtung ändert (monotone Funktion) und

11. Chyle leak, proportionally to its volume, thus leads to volume depletion, leukopenia, and malnutrition

12. To distribute or allocate proportionally; divide or assign: Apportion the bonus among the staff.

13. The braking force varies proportionally as the action on the control (monotonic function); and

14. the braking force varies proportionally as the action on the control (monotonic function); and

die Bremskraft im gleichen Sinne wie die Einwirkung auf die Betätigungseinrichtung wirkt (gleichförmige Wirkung), und

15. A proportionally larger number of jobs for insurance adjusters and claims examiners are located in Winnipeg.

16. The rest of ‘Other operating revenue’ is allocated proportionally to the allocation of other operating costs.

Die übrigen „sonstigen betrieblichen Erträge“ werden proportional zu den zugewiesenen sonstigen betrieblichen Aufwendungen verteilt.

17. Buses used to transport chartered parties may be proportionally registered, though Apportioned registration is not

18. The starting amounts will be fixed proportionally, albeit not arithmetically, having regard to the market shares

Die Ausgangsbeträge werden anteilig (nicht mathematisch) unter Berücksichtigung der jeweiligen Marktanteile festgesetzt

19. Those who participate to the accumulation system receive a proportionally reduced amount of the state social insurance pension.

20. The hands were proportionally the shortest of any ornithomimosaur and each had three digits with curved claws.

21. Swiss law stipulates that assets held in a joint account are initially divided proportionally between the clients.

22. As the shaft of the potentiometer is rotated, the length of the electrical path and resistance proportionally changes.

23. Lesotho, one of the world's poorest countries, is proportionally the one that invests most in its people's education.

24. In this interspecific Allometry, the facial region of the skull is proportionally longer than the braincase in larger species

25. Cameron explained forfeiting his share as complex. "... the short version is that the film cost proportionally much more than T2 and True Lies.

26. 77 of the 150 seats were allocated proportionally to party lists, the remaining 73 to the winners in single-member constituencies.

27. If I had never dropped in on that single course in college, the Mac would have never had multiple typefaces or proportionally spaced fonts.

28. 22 As a result, when import-competing industries contract, they do not in fact lay off proportionally more unskilled than skilled workers.

29. The Cello, about 27.5 inches (70 cm) long (47 inches [119 cm] with the neck), has proportionally deeper ribs and a shorter neck than the

30. Although the highest absolute number of new HIV cases in the EU occur through heterosexual transmission, most at risk groups are over proportionally affected.

In absoluten Zahlen sind zwar die meisten neuen HIV-Fälle in der EU durch heterosexuelle Kontakte bedingt, aber die Hochrisikogruppen sind überproportional stark betroffen.

31. The famous Indian Attars named Kewda, Ruh Khus, Mitti and Kadam Attars are proportionally blended in the base of sandalwood essential oil to produce majmua 96 perfume oil

32. Brachycephaly is a type of skull deformity in which the skull appears proportionally wide, with a reduced depth between the front and back of the skull

33. The increase for commitments is proportionally larger because they can cover expenditure for more than one year (see paragraph 3.2), while payment appropriations are linked to absorption capacity.

Der Anstieg der Mittel für Verpflichtungen fiel anteilsmäßig stärker aus, weil sie Ausgaben für mehr als ein Jahr betreffen können (siehe Ziffer 3.2), während die Zahlungsermächtigungen an die Aufnahmefähigkeit geknüpft sind.

34. Disclosed is a proportionally adjustable pressure control valve wherein a valve cone (4) can be actuated by means of an armature (14) of a proportional magnet (10).

Offenbart ist ein proportional verstellbares Druckbegrenzungsventil bei dem ein Ventilkegel (4) mittels eines Ankers (14) eines Proportionalmagneten (10) betätigbar ist.

35. Peak concentration (Cmax) and plasma AUC of rufinamide increase less than proportionally with doses in both fasted and fed healthy subjects and in patients, probably due to dose-limited absorption behaviour

Die maximale Konzentration (Cmax) und die Plasma-AUC von Rufinamid steigen mit den Dosen unterproportional an, sowohl bei gesunden Probanden und Patienten im Nüchternzustand als auch nach Nahrungsaufnahme, möglicherweise aufgrund eines dosisbegrenzten Resorptionsverhaltens

36. The likelihood of a diminished reputation from the media rises proportionally with the level of notoriety that an individual possesses and the outrageousness of that person's behavior.

37. See synonyms for Apportion on verb (used with object) to distribute or allocate proportionally; divide and assign according to some rule of proportional distribution: to Apportion expenses among the three men.

38. In addition, the present invention is formed from uniform particles so as to facilitate intestinal absorption, and thus the effect of improving the intestinal environment is proportionally increased.

39. Many passive funds are index funds, which attempt to replicate the performance of a market index by holding securities proportionally to their value in the market as a whole.

40. Peak concentration (Cmax) and plasma AUC of rufinamide increase less than proportionally with doses in both fasted and fed healthy subjects and in patients, probably due to dose-limited absorption behaviour.After single

Die maximale Konzentration (Cmax) und die Plasma-AUC von Rufinamid steigen mit den Dosen unterproportional an, sowohl bei gesunden Probanden und Patienten im Nüchternzustand als auch nach Nahrungsaufnahme, möglicherweise aufgrund eines dosisbegrenzten Resorptionsverhaltens

41. Up to 5% cash back  · To batch Boulevardiers for a crowd, increase the quantities proportionally and mix the drink in a large ice-filled pitcher, rather than in a mixing glass

42. This Avicularium proportionally large (0.095– 0.137 mm long), extending from spiramen to peristome, orientated distally or slightly obliquely, straight or weakly curving, the rostrum acute, elongate-triangular, delimited by a pair of minute condyles; opesial portion of Avicularium smooth.

43. What Are Apportionments? The main way we support the ministries of the larger United Methodist Church is through Apportionments, a method of giving that proportionally allocates the church wide budget to conferences and local churches

44. Tight weak Adductors weakening your glutes Tight weak Adductors weakening your glutes The Adductors are often neglected when training and can be proportionally weak compared to other musculature, this can cause them to become “tight” meaning shortened or have limited extensibility because of neural input

45. The court further ordered that the sum of $20,000 be proportionally distributed to the Haida Gwaii Tribal Society, care of the Haida Gwaii Abalone Stewardship Group, or the Kitasoo Abalone Stewardship Project, or to other such organizations for the conservation and protection of abalone.

46. Another method to increase Butylenes is the use of traditional olefin additives (based on ZSM-5 zeolites), however this will bring more propylene than Butylenes, proportionally, so this is only recommended if the economics favour the total increase in LPG and if the additional propylene can be …

47. An Azimuthal projection is a map of the world that has useful properties because all points on the map are at proportionally correct distances from its center point. One of the most common ways to use this approach is through a polar projection from the north or south.

48. The Avicularium type of zooid has a small body and a rudimentary polypide; the operculum, however, is proportionally larger, has strong adductor (closing) muscles, and has become, in effect, a jaw. Avicularia are found among normal zooids but usually are smaller and attached to normal zooids, as in the gymnolaemate Schizoporella.

49. It can be seen from earlier practice that in one case, in 1980, ( 2 ) in regard to a price difference of approximately the same order of importance, the Commission adopted a measure analogous to that at issue here in dividing proportionally between the two countries the quantities covered by the special intervention measure .

Die frühere Praxis zeigt, daß die Kommission in einem Fall, im Jahre 1980 ( 2 ), wegen Preisunterschieden, die etwa bei den gleichen Werten lagen, eine Maßnahme erlassen hat, die mit der hier vorliegenden hinsichtlich der anteilmässigen Aufteilung der in den beiden Ländern zur spezifischen Intervention zugelassenen Mengen völlig übereinstimmt .

50. The Buckling analysis is addressed via Euler's method of adjacent equilibrium states [31,32].It consists in a linearized stability analysis of an undeformed equilibrium configuration, whose critical condition is defined by a proportionally scaled load in combination with a geometric or initial stress stiffness built up from the exact nonlinear strain–displacement relations or von Kármán's