probationary period in Germany

probationary period [prəbeiʃənriːpiəriəd] Probezeit

Sentence patterns related to "probationary period"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "probationary period" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "probationary period", or refer to the context using the word "probationary period" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Teachers should have a probationary period of two years.

2. New employees undergo a one - month probationary period.

3. After a six-month probationary period, her position was confirmed.

4. After a three - month probationary period, she was confirmed in her post.

5. After the probationary period the company decided to offer him a full - time contract.

6. At the end of the probationary period you will become a permanent employee.

7. No probationary period was required before the prodigal son was received by the waiting father.

8. Each driver must undergo a three - month probationary period before being allowed to operate independently.

9. The probationary period therefore requires an objective a posteriori assessment to be made of the probationer.

Im Anschluß an die Probezeit muß es deshalb zu einer objektiven nachträglichen Beurteilung des Beamten auf Probe kommen.

10. 13 No probationary period was required before the prodigal son was received by the waiting father.

11. You'll be transferred to the permanent staff subject to your satisfactory completion of the probationary period.

12. In some states, tenure becomes permanent as soon as the teacher completes the required probationary period.

13. If reinstated, they are placed on a probationary period determined by the state board, Winn said.

14. His probationary period nearly over, he was suddenly hauled before the committee on evangelisation and told that he was unsuitable.

15. Stage A probationary period in which the prisoner continues to report to the police, but lives and works normally.

16. (Agents of the EIB - Action for annulment - Admissibility - Extension of the probationary period - Termination of contract - Conditions - Action for compensation)

(Bedienstete der EIB - Anfechtungsklage - Zulässigkeit - Verlängerung der Probezeit - Kündigung des Vertrages - Voraussetzungen - Schadensersatzklage)

17. The employer shall timely modify the term of the labor contract, or pay the wages at the wage rate for the non- probationary period.

18. If you're a new employee, you usually have to finish a probationary period of 3 to 6 months first before you start Accruing vacation.

19. This paper gives a brief analysis about the three major common law issues existing in the graduate employment: the probationary period, the tripartite agreement and the handling with labor disputes.

20. ((Civil service - Official - Action for failure to act - No decision following the report on the probationary period - Article 34 of the Staff Regulations - Decision to dismiss - No need to adjudicate))

((Öffentlicher Dienst - Beamter - Untätigkeitsklage - Unterbleiben einer Entscheidung im Anschluss an den Probezeitbericht - Art. 34 des Statuts - Entlassungsentscheidung - Erledigung))

21. From Longman Business Dictionary Credentials cre‧den‧tials / krɪˈdenʃ ə lz / noun [plural] JOB 1 the training, education, or experience that give you the ability to do a particular job or task well, especially in the opinion of other people You’ll be given a three-month probationary period to fully establish your Credentials as an

22. 28 It should be stated from the outset that, as Ms H. had been absent as a result of her parental leave during most of the probationary period required to obtain the managerial post concerned and was still on parental leave when the Administrative Office for the Land of Berlin informed her that she would be reinstated in her former post, the national legislation at issue in the main proceedings should be examined solely in the light of Directive 2010/18 and the revised Framework Agreement.

Zunächst ist darauf hinzuweisen, dass die im Ausgangsverfahren fragliche nationale Regelung nur im Licht der Richtlinie 2010/18 und der überarbeiteten Rahmenvereinbarung zu prüfen ist, da Frau H. während des überwiegenden Teils der für die Übertragung des betreffenden Amts mit leitender Funktion erforderlichen Probezeit wegen ihres Elternurlaubs abwesend war und sich noch im Elternurlaub befand, als das Landesverwaltungsamt Berlin ihr mitteilte, dass ihr wieder ihr früheres Amt übertragen werde.