probed in Germany

probed [proubd] sondierte, untersucht

Sentence patterns related to "probed"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "probed" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "probed", or refer to the context using the word "probed" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Dr Amid probed around the sensitive area.

2. 4 He probed her pinna with his tongue.

3. The parents probed but to no avail.

4. Jules probed the mud gingerly with a stick.

5. Have a nice time getting your tutu probed.

6. The amplitude of the swinging torque is probed exatcly.

Die Pendelmomentamplitude und die sie bestimmenden Größen werden einer eingehenden Betrachtung unterzogen.

7. The soldiers probed cautiously ahead of them for mines.

8. The doctor probed the wound for signs of infection.

9. The lawyer probed the witness' truthfulness by asking questions.

10. He probed the swelling Anxiously with his finger

11. The interviewer probed deep into her private life.

12. 19 But each is labeled and cataloged, chipped, cut, powdered, assayed, and probed.

13. Blots were probed with monoclonal antibody supernatant at a dilution of

14. The guarding infantry probed the area but encountered nothing.

15. 10 Whirr, click, whirr, click — step by step the scan probed deeper.

16. They probed in/into the mud with a special drill.

17. Everything moveable was taken out, every nook and cranny probed.

18. The optimal routing model for the restraint of hazmat transportation is probed into.

19. Researchers have probed deeply into such issues and can still only offer theories.

20. Website accuracy and Comprehensiveness were probed independently using a set of objective core information about celiac disease

21. You act under orders to go deep into island and islet not having probed to one.

22. The capsid and entire virus structure can be mechanically (physically) probed through atomic force microscopy.

23. 8 While performing his God-appointed service Jesus time and again quoted the Law and then probed deeper.

24. 29 His large round eyes probed Miguel that first time, as if he could look inside with ease.

25. Then Mrs. Bunting turned back the window - curtains, and Mr. Bunting looked up the chimney and probed it with the poker.

26. Every now and then I blew desperately down the throat or probed between the ribs for that almost imperceptible beat.

27. 22 Andrea was too distraught to speak as police probed the tragedy at Gabalfa, Cardiff, yesterday.

28. 15 As investigators probed the brain further,( the riddle of the mind revealed itself to be deeply specific.

29. He laid the telephone and torch back on the table then probed delicately with the end of a penknife.

30. The EU-funded project ALBTUSMED II probed these issues using a multi-scale approach and the most modern scientific and analytical techniques.

Das EU-finanzierte Projekt ALBTUSMED II untersucht diese Fragen mithilfe eines Multiskalen-Ansatzes und der neusten wissenschaftlichen und analytischen Methoden.

31. In this context, unhappiness and homesickness were probed to shed light on acculturation and hopefully ease immigrant integration in the long run.

In diesem Zusammenhang wurden Unglücklichsein und Heimweh gemessen, um mehr über Akkulturation zu erfahren und auf lange Sicht hoffentlich die Integration von Zuwanderern zu erleichtern.

32. Radio drugs item probed POOR nursing care in Welsh hospitals will not be Condoned, the head of the profession's representative body has warned

33. Probed new regulations and practice of calculation of asset depreciation, devalue preparation, prediction of abandonment charge and rights and interests of the mineral district.

34. Power formula of agitators will cause some errors when it is applied for process agitator in liquid medium. Its suitable applied range is probed.

35. The effect of phosphorylation on the Basicities of amines in histone H3 peptides and their acetylation kinetics is probed with a mild chemical acetylating agent

36. Finally, the causes of formation for the anomalies are probed, and the conclusion is that they are probably produced by atmosphere temperature inversion phenomena, not by the earthquake.

37. How the themes of The Moon and Sixpence come from the themes of Gauguin's pictures during the Tahitian period is probed into.

38. "The Romans had terra incognita," he says, and now modern marine scientists will have a better idea of which remote regions have yet to be probed.

39. Compere: A Compere originally used to be the person who probed the dialogues to those who played the lead roles in an act or a play

40. Traditionally, given the severe experimental constraints on ∆B = 1 processes, B − L violation with baryons is probed via neutron-Antineutron (n − n̄) oscillations

41. It probed links among asymptotic invariants of covering towers, algebraic invariants of residually finite groups and dynamical properties and invariants of profinite actions.

Man sondierte Verbindungen zwischen asymptotischen Invarianten abdeckender Türme, algebraische Invarianten residualer endlicher Gruppen sowie dynamische Eigenschaften und Invarianten proendlicher Aktionen.

42. Temperature calculation of wet multiple brakes was probed. The change rule of inner oil temperature in wet multiple disk brake was studied when braked.

43. Pan's eugenic research and probed the research methods used in his study. At the same time the defects of his theory were also pointed out.

44. This paper has probed into the relativity of Exorcise,[] Shaman and Yoga with a view to prehistorical culture origin and psychological and physical healing.

45. Amyloidal aggregates are characterized by the formation of large intermolecular β-sheets, which can be probed by the binding of ThT, resulting in a specific fluorescence signal, distinct from soluble ThT fluorescence

46. With the dual economy theory, urban and rural development theory and the symbiotic integration theory, it probed into the urban and rural integrated development of mass sports.

47. 28 The opening into the maxillary sinus is probed with a curved suction, and any disease or secretions are removed. The meatotomy is then completed using retrograde forceps.

48. The specificity of human and animal viruses that engage with O-Acetylated sialic acids has now been probed using a collection of O-Acetylated sialoglycans obtained by diversification of

49. Moreover, the paper also probed the "artificialness" and "double-side" of her works by combining the indissoluble bond with classic literature since her childhood and the art world introduced by it.

50. Boneyards where planes, cruise ships, autos and trains go to die Man rescues 500 people stranded on icy road amid Texas winter blast Roger Stone and Alex Jones probed for ties to Capitol rioters