poor in words in Germany

poor in words [peərinwəːdz] wortarm

Sentence patterns related to "poor in words"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "poor in words" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "poor in words", or refer to the context using the word "poor in words" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Poor men's words have little weight. 

2. 1; noun Cacology Poor diction or choice of words

3. What does Cacology mean? Poor diction or choice of words

4. 1; noun Cacology Bad choice of words or poor pronunciation

5. His diction is generally poor and his words often inaudible.

6. Cacology (usually uncountable, plural cacologies) Poor diction or choice of words

7. Usually in poor communities.

8. Poor diet generally results in poor work, makes people more accident-prone.

9. Poor diet generally results in poor work and makes people more accident-prone.

10. The car's in poor nick.

11. * poor nutrition and poor general health

12. Bacteriophagia in poor liquid media

13. The poor thing lives in Brooklyn.

14. Literal English: “the poor in spirit”

15. They tend to aggravate rather than improve the poor self-esteem, poor individual coping skills and poor emotional maturity in the primary sufferer.

16. Poor-relief and “efficacious Assuagings of distress” The reform of the Elizabethan Poor Laws with the Poor Law Amendment Act in 1834 provided statutory recognition of society’s changing attitudes towards the poor

17. Poor Penmanship Many work-inhibited students have poor penmanship.

18. There is poor grazing in the hills.

19. The poor people lived in brutish conditions.

20. Poor Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Mobilization or Poor Harvest?

21. Poor Sylvia got left in the lurch.

22. Unfortunately, Iceland is poor in natural resources.

23. The country is poor in natural resources.

24. The poor were housed in rotting buildings.

25. The child's clothes were in poor repair.