populated in Germany

populated [pɔpjuleitid] bevölkert, bevölkerte

Sentence patterns related to "populated"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "populated" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "populated", or refer to the context using the word "populated" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. This area is thinly populated.

2. The community is densely populated.

3. The island is thinly populated.

4. Canton Township is Michigan's second most-populated township (after Clinton Township) and eleventh most-populated municipality overall

5. Not populated as of August 2019.

6. Java is a densely populated island.

7. The populated fields appeared Blank as well

8. Her paintings were populated by strange creatures.

9. The island is populated largely by sheep.

10. Burg: a thickly settled, highly populated area.

11. The inner cities are no longer densely populated.

12. The southeast is the most densely populated area.

13. The central fovea is populated exclusively by Cones

14. He described a fantastical world populated by mermaids.

15. Asia is the largest and most populated continent

16. The highlands are populated mainly by peasant farmers.

17. Aedes aegypti mosquitoes thrive in highly populated areas.

18. Baronies may be sparsely populated or have a holding.

19. 17 The highlands are populated mainly by peasant farmers.

20. There are circuits that cover huge, sparsely populated areas.

21. 2 He described a fantastical world populated by mermaids.

22. The islands were gradually populated by settlers from Europe.

23. Colonists from Europe populated many parts of the Americas.

24. Other industrialized and densely populated countries have similar problems.

25. Crestfall is an Alliance zone, populated by isolationist Kul Tirans

26. The river is populated mainly by smaller species of fish.

27. Actions may include establishing a minimum distance from populated areas.

28. "These lands were once entirely populated by Creek.")

29. Specifying Bucketing doesn’t ensure that the table is properly populated.

30. So the biggest platforms are populated by blusterers and Braggarts

31. Bannock Streets in downtown Boise was initially populated with dwellings.

32. The new land was quickly populated by settlers from Europe.

33. London's main airport is surrounded by densely populated residential areas.

34. "These lands were once entirely populated by Creek.")

35. Benk was the most heavily populated city on Ord Zathuun

36. The new land was quickly populated by the new settlers.

37. Our route follows the Pacific coast through densely populated neighbourhoods.

38. Burthen is only sparsely populated due to crushingly high gravity

39. For apps, segments can also be populated via app code.

40. The eastern part of the country is more thickly populated.

41. After creating a segment, it immediately starts getting populated with visitors.

42. Twenty million years ago, Idaho was populated by dense primordial forest.

43. But the densely populated central provinces present a very different picture.

44. Africa is the poorest Continent and one of the most populated

45. Although predominantly populated by humans, Spira features a variety of races.

46. This left the producers to film in a heavily populated area.

47. The neon chicken radiates orange warmth into the sparsely populated diner.

48. 27 This side of the island is populated mainly by fishermen.

49. The southern authority area is dominated by a heavily populated conurbation.

50. These expeditions were usually carried out in remote, sparsely populated areas.