maturation in Germany

maturation [mætjureiʃən] Reifung

Sentence patterns related to "maturation"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "maturation" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "maturation", or refer to the context using the word "maturation" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Cask maturation

2. (c) the period of maturation or ageing;

c) Reifungsdauer;

3. Maturation plays a large role in emotional development.

4. These constraints change as maturation proceeds.

5. We followed Chlamydospore development and maturation in vitro and

6. There are critical windows of time during which maturation must be achieved; failure of maturation is to some extent irrecoverable.

7. It is clarified and bottled before undergoing final maturation.

8. It is a maturation of forces already in progress.

9. Adrenal maturation, termed adrenarche, typically precedes gonadarche in mid-childhood.

10. slight piquant sensation after four months' maturation, increasing with time.

bei viermonatiger Reifezeit leicht scharf, sie wird mit zunehmender Reifezeit stärker.

11. The period of maturation is determined by the cellar master.

12. Acropetal refers to the development or maturation of anatomical parts from the base upward towards the apex, while basipetal refers to the development or maturation from the apex downward towards the base.

13. Mature Apyrene parasperm resulted from a cytodifferentiation process without maturation division

14. We accepted the hypothesis that onset of maturation was energy dependent.

15. moisture content: varies depending on the degree of maturation, but always less than # %

16. Physiologically, this maturation process is dependent upon several biotical and Abiotical parameters

17. Most of us were born in captivity where domestication and maturation work hand in hand.

18. Acropetal refers to the development or maturation of anatomical parts from the base upward towards the apex, while Basipetal refers to the development or maturation from the apex downward towards the base.

19. Endosomal maturation by Rab conversion in Aspergillus nidulans is coupled to dynein-mediated Basipetal movement

20. 54.5% of cases of disturbed placental maturation showed an angiomatosis as a sort of compensation.

In 54,5% der Fälle von Placentareifungsstörungen war jedoch ein Kompensationsversuch in Form einer Angiomatose zu erkennen.

21. Our data revealed a normal maturation of the adrenal glands in SIDS cases.

Wir fanden eine regelrechte Reifung in den Nebennieren von den SIDS Fällen.

22. Young aeciospores were usually binucleate but most of them became uninucleate during maturation.

23. maturation of the final distillate for at least three years in wooden casks not exceeding # litres capacity

24. Many people train to become a massage therapist, but becoming a Bodyworker takes times and maturation

25. Lager beer uses a process of cool fermentation, followed by maturation in cold storage.

26. The other showed the farina accumulation existing obstacle in the prophase of pollen maturation.

27. The lack of refrigeration accelerated this maturation process — especially during the hot summer months.

Dieser Reifungsprozess wurde durch die mangelnden Kühlmöglichkeiten — insbesondere während der heißen Sommermonate — beschleunigt.

28. A permanent insurance policy accumulates a cash value up to its date of maturation.

29. warm maturation, including sowing with mostly thermophilic fermenting agents and Penicillium roqueforti, followed by curdling;

Warmreifung und Beimpfung mit größtenteils thermophilen Fermenten und Penicillium roqueforti sowie anschließende Dicklegung,

30. Maturation: fine red wines may be matured in oak barrels for one to two years.

31. With the process of maturation the content of basophilic granules increases, whereas the NASDCl-esterase activity gradually vanishes.

Mit steigendem Gehalt an basophilen Granula nimmt die NASDCl-Aktivität bis zum völligen Schwund in den reifen Basophilen ab.

32. Adipophilin regulates maturation of cytoplasmic lipid droplets and Alveolae in differentiating mammary glands Tanya D

33. Alar's utility lay largely in its conduciveness to the maturation of red apples and cherries.

34. The social environment, mediated by attachment, influences the maturation of structures in a child's brain.

35. In these “egopaths”, a relatively specific abnormality of maturation and structure of the ego persists.

Bei diesen Egopathen besteht eine relativ spezifische Abhandlung der Reifung und Struktur des Ich.

36. ∙L−1) of abscisic acid promoted further maturation of embryoids, while gibberellic acid (1 mg

37. Control of dendrite Arborization by an lg family member, dendrite Arborization and synapse maturation 1 (Dasml)

38. 23 Maturation: fine red wines may be matured in oak barrels for one to two years.

39. Gas is derived primarily from the thermal maturation of organic master, principally plant remains, in a variety of sediments.

40. Laboratory studies show that thermal maturation of methanogenic archaea generates pristane and phytane from diphytanyl glyceryl ethers (Archaeols).

41. Project results showed that B cells lacking WASP could not undergo proper affinity maturation in the lymphatic system.

Den Projektergebnissen zufolge findet bei WASP-defizienten B-Zellen keine ausreichende Affinitätsreifung im lymphatischen System statt.

42. Blue cheeses undergo complex fermentation and maturation processes mainly mediated by lactic acid bacteria and fungi

43. Estradiol mediates the growth spurt, bone maturation, and epiphyseal closure in boys just as in girls.

44. 25 The early maturation allows us to make a very rich wine with a great ripeness.

45. Hornung B, Amtman E and G Sauer Lauric acid inhibits the maturation of Vesicular stomatitis virus

46. Services for the production, refinement, purification, blending, flavouring, scenting, fragrancing, ageing, maturation and preservation of spirits

Dienstleistungen in Bezug auf die Produktion, Verfeinerung, Reinigung, das Mischen, Aromatisieren, Parfümieren, Altern, Reifen und Konservieren von Spirituosen

47. 13 Harvested at early grape ripeness and cool maturation in steel tanks to retain fruit freshness.

48. The three basic theories reflect the formation, development and maturation of the theory of comparative advantage.

49. During maturation aeciospores underwent a two- to three-fold increase in diameter and the intercalary cells disintegrated.

50. These mutations compromised the extracellular matrix in mice and interfered with the intracellular maturation of pro-collagen.

Die Mutationen störten die extrazelluläre Matrix in den Mäusen und unterbrachen die intrazelluläre Reifung von Prokollagen.