maximal in Germany

maximal [mæksiml] maximal

Sentence patterns related to "maximal"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "maximal" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "maximal", or refer to the context using the word "maximal" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Maximal bitrate value

2. She obtained maximal benefit from the course.

3. Typically, exercise intensity is expressed as a percentage of the maximal capacity in absolute terms (i. e. watts) or relative to the maximal heart rate, heart rate reserve, maximal oxygen uptake, or perceived exertion.

Es bestehen zahlreiche Empfehlungen, die sich auf die im Belastungstest erreichte maximale Herzfrequenz, die Leistungsfähigkeit, Sauerstoffaufnahme, Herzfrequenzreserve oder den subjektiven Anstrengungsgrad beziehen.

4. Minimal loss of life, maximal impact on capability.

5. Backbends require maximal extension of the hip joints

6. – – – Of a maximal load weight not exceeding 30 tonnes

– – – mit einem maximalen Ladegewicht von 30 t oder weniger

7. Welcone to you! Your arrival is my maximal support!

8. They help us to be maximal encouraging to us.

9. Select the maximal intensity input value of the histogram here

10. Stage 5 typically represents maximal gonadal growth and adult hormone levels.

11. Key words: hyperemia, interpolated twitch technique, hypothermia, maximal voluntary contraction, electromyography.

12. The individually adjustable racks provide for maximal usage of your premises.

Die variabel verstellbaren Böden sorgen beim Schuh- und Helmständer für eine maximale Raumausnutzung.

13. This loss is detected. The frequency of maximal absorption is searched.

Diese Verbreiterung ist allerdings gegenüber dem Messfehler auf das gyromagnetische Verhältnis vernachlässsigbar.

14. It takes several weeks for the treatment to have maximal effect.

15. Such glucoside biosynthesis appears maximal in systems exposed to aeration.

16. - carcinogenic effects only at very high dose levels exceeding the "maximal tolerated dose".

- krebserzeugende Wirkungen nur bei sehr hohen Dosen, die die "maximal verträgliche Dosis" überschreiten.

17. Two tests of Cardiorespiratory endurance—submaximal and maximal—appear in the literature.

18. Vaccination before initiation of sexual contact is advised to assure maximal protection.

19. Branes A self-described hyper-pop, maximal synth duo from Los Angeles, CA

20. The maximal recorded leaf consumption on Grey Alder (A. incana) amount to 14.8%.

An Grauerle betrug der maximale Blatt-Biomasse-Konsum 14,8%.

21. Deep unconsciousness, maximal dilated pupils and extensor-spasms were observed but respiration continued.

Runde den Kampf aufgegeben hatte, brach er wenige Minuten später fast schlagartig mit maximal erweiterten lichtstarren Pupillen, Streckkrämpfen und persistierender Atmung bewußtlos zusammen.

22. 40 degrees Centigrade is the maximal temperature at which this chemical reaction will occur

23. Unfortunately, finding maximal subgraphs of a certain kind is often an NP-complete problem.

24. The first number is local deviation in hertzs, i.e. maximal deviation from current frequency.

Für Wetterstationen verwenden Sie die Position "Normal" mit einem USB-Empfänger und die Position "Reverse" mit einem LSB-Empfänger.

25. At the core of the pyramid there would be a maximal division of labour.

26. Maximal foraging activity of colonies occurs at surface temperatures corresponding to this optimal search temperature.

Die maximale Aktivitat der nahrungssuchenden Ameisen einer Kolonie tritt bei Oberflaechen temperaturen ein, die dieser optimalen Temperatur entsprechen.

27. Of the maximal Canardin separatingtwo distinct synchronization regimes: the Hopf regime and the relaxation regime

28. If I could set eyes on your beautiful smile, that is maximal blessedness for me.

29. taking into account the maximal interconnection capacity of each border entry and exit point

Berücksichtigung der Höchstkapazität der Verbindungsleitungen an jedem Grenzein- und Ausspeisepunkt

30. This phenomenon of extreme proximity, known as 'maximal perigee, ' only occurs once every 18 years.

31. The principal aim of this investigation was to determine the influence of blood haemoglobin concentration ([Hb]) on maximal exercise capacity and maximal O(2) consumption (V(O(2),max)) in healthy subjects Acclimatised to high altitude

32. Among the optokinetic after effects the duration of OKN-A was maximal (up to 180 sec).

Der optokinetische Nachnystagmus dauert länger als die anderen Nacheffekte (bis zu 180 sec) und ist bei einer Reizzeit von 30 sec länger als nach einer Reizzeit von 5 sec.

33. Firstly, we expatiate the segmentation algorithm theory of two dimension maximal entropy based on inheritance algorithm.

34. Then compare the maximal profits on each subset, and choose one with the highest profits.

35. The most important measure of Cardiorespiratory fitness is maximal oxygen consumption, or VO 2 max.

36. The dL is designed for athletes who just need a straight heavy rope for maximal weight.

Das dL wurde entwickelt für Athleten, die ein reines Heavy Rope für maximales Gewicht benötigen.

37. In this paper, I give a new proof of BMO - boundedness of Hardy - Littlewood maximal operator.

38. Chorionic villi are villi that sprout from the chorion to provide maximal contact area with maternal blood

39. The maximal resonance amplitudes in dependence of start time and damping parameters of the system were determined.

Es wurde die Abhängigkeit der maximalen Resonanzamplituden von der Anlaufzeit des Motors und von dem Dämpfungsgrad des Systems bestimmt.

40. At pH 1 (HCl, HNO3, H2SO4) VO2A(HA)2 is formed with maximal absorption at 478 nm.

Bei pH = l (HCl, HNO3, H2SO4) entsteht VO2A(HA)2 mit einer maximalen Absorption bei 478 nm.

41. He also stressed that the upcoming maximal perigee had nothing to do with the events in Japan.

42. Apex Beat the Beat felt over the apex of the heart in the point of maximal impulse

43. Sampling of snow cover is carried out once a year during the period of maximal snow accumulation.

44. The Apical pulse is the point of maximal impulse and is located at the apex of the heart.

45. Viewed from the perspective of potential development, the point of initial emergence represents the point of maximal unfolding.

46. For kinetic or non-stopped ELISA assays, the TMB chromogen has maximal Absorbances at 370nm and 652nm.

47. Minimal and maximal liver resections could be simulated and the relative and absolute resection volumina are presented.

Minimale und maximale Leberresektionen werden simuliert und die relativen und absoluten Resektionsvolumina dargestellt.

48. Sampling of snow cover is carried out once a year during the period of maximal snow accumulation

49. Full Agonists bind tightly to the opioid receptors and undergo significant conformational change to produce maximal effect

50. Maximal peak power output (PP) and the absolute time to fatigue (TTF) were compared pre- versus postsupplementation.