mating season in Germany

mating season [meitiŋsiːzn] Paarungszeit

Sentence patterns related to "mating season"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "mating season" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "mating season", or refer to the context using the word "mating season" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Bucks get dumb during mating season.

2. Adults associate only in the mating season.

3. Male Armadillos may be more active during mating season

4. During the mating season, foxes become much more vocal.

5. This musky odor is used to attract females during mating season.

6. Antechinus males, after all, were only born after the previous year’s mating season

7. African Clawed Frogs traditionally begin their mating season during the springs and the summers

8. A buck can lose 30% of its weight during mating season, chasing does around.

9. It can have two litters a year and there is no set mating season.

10. Sexually mature raccoons often show aggressive natural behaviors such as biting during the mating season.

11. Around 90% of the male calves join the bachelor herds before the next mating season.

12. The mating season, which lasts for about 3 weeks, coincides with the end of the rainy season.

13. However, breeding is seasonal in the Sudan (south of Sahara), with the mating season lasting four months.

14. In April the mating season would be over and the birds silent, a Brooding stillness possess an efflorescent Eden

15. Little is known about their social structure except that the sexes remain mostly separate except during mating season.

16. Females can have up to nine broods per mating season, with the average size ranging from five to 100.

17. During the mating season, which reaches its height in August, bulls engage in head-Butting contests to determine their social dominance

18. Given that the singers are males and they mostly sing during the mating season, songs might be used to attract females.

19. The frisky males would be well-advised to keep at least one eye on the road as the mating season begins.

20. The mating season, or rut, typically begins on the night of a full moon, suggesting that the lunar cycle influences breeding.

21. Prior to their mating season, males of this species congregate by the hundreds on patches of moist soil that contain mineral salts (mud-puddling).

22. Blesbok Hunting Information: Bucks are extremely territorial during mating season and can often be found near, or resting on, piles of their own fecal matter

23. Since it was mating season, the male "Bugled," making a high-pitched squealing sound meant to attract females.Point Reyes Elk Butt In at Ranches

24. The mating season begins at the end of the rainy season and a single calf is usually born after a gestational period of about 8.5 months.