magnificence in Germany

magnificence [mægnifisns] Pracht

Sentence patterns related to "magnificence"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "magnificence" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "magnificence", or refer to the context using the word "magnificence" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. She wanted luxury, magnificence, social station.

2. It was a mixture of squalor and magnificence.

3. The magnificence of Versailles is admirable to everyone.

4. And a sombre, but yet a studied magnificence.

5. For who could reject such wondrous magnificence?

6. It was the embodiment of princely magnificence.

7. I merely wanted... to gaze upon your magnificence.

8. The quite magnificence of his political pathos lay in this.

9. A new future will spread its magnificence out before us.

10. His magnificence are Chinese civilization magnify and expression of ages atmosphere.

11. Mini Callas are traditional symbols of devotion, divinity, magnificence and beauty

12. What I like about the Cerro Colorados is their quiet magnificence.

13. The East, abandoning its secular magnificence was descending into a valley.

14. His Magnificence thought it wise to bring a military strategist along.

15. 17 She had created something of ineffable magnificence, beauty and inspiration.

16. I said nothing, being still in rapt contemplation of Sergia's magnificence.

17. The young men were happy, but a little abashed by all the magnificence.

18. Now she's back in her official regalia, in all its gleaming purple magnificence.

19. I sit in a seat where I can see your magnificence and your grandness.

20. Now you can enjoy the beauty and magnificence of Camellias in smaller garden spaces

21. 6 Now she's back in her official regalia, in all its gleaming purple magnificence.

22. Magnificence is admirable if not always comprehensible, humility is very unattractive to the modern Western mind.

23. Elegant enclosure made by valuable log, together with gilding vertical shaft and beautiful curlicue shows magnificence.

24. Elegant enclosure made by valuable log[], together with gilding vertical shaft and beautiful curlicue shows magnificence.

25. Some of his disciples remark on its magnificence, that it is “adorned with fine stones and dedicated things.”

Einige seiner Jünger äußern sich zu dessen Pracht, „wie er mit schönen Steinen und mit gestifteten Dingen geschmückt sei“.

26. The jewels sparkled in the candlelight and the guests gasped at the sheer magnificence of the piece.

27. Ancient Rome was the seat of power, magnificence and corruption, the obvious object of love, envy, hatred.

28. Each vied with others in the number of his retainers, the magnificence of his robes and accoutrements.

29. The general appearance of Angers does not correspond with the magnificence of its walls, its castle, and its cathedral

30. Taking into account the thundering magnificence of your new single, the jury must grudgingly return a verdict of not guilty.

31. Brassware is a symbol of true indian craftsmanship and old magnificence for which it popular india since old indian culture

32. The Precolumbian Ballgame, played on a masonry court, has long intrigued scholars because of the magnificence of its archaeological remains

33. No written description or photographs can convey the true magnificence of these ever-changing, luminous displays, often in vivid colors.

34. Suzi smiled a couple of times at Alfred, Georg began to feel rather proud at hosting a dinner of such magnificence.

35. With the leap to exterior grandeur from the 1870s went a new concentration on the magnificence of the interior arrangements of stations.

36. This time, however, its significance is emphasized by the magnificence of the heavenly angel, for his glory lights up the whole earth!

Dieses Mal wird ihrer Bedeutung durch die Großartigkeit des Engels vom Himmel Nachdruck verliehen, dessen Herrlichkeit die ganze Erde erleuchtet.

37. "Early 8th century murals in Prince Yide's tomb give an idea of the magnificence of Chang'an's city walls with their towering gate and corner towers."

38. Up to 2.5% cash back  · Browse Brushed Nickel chandeliers - 1,702 available at Lamps Plus! 120% low price protection guarantee - Magnificence Satin Nickel 24 …

39. He, however, could not Conscientiously refuse to admit the ingenuity, magnificence, and superiority of the Fountain at the Bowling Green, as described by the Doctor.

40. An ancient city of SW Asia, on the Euphrates River, famed for its magnificence and culture: capital of Babylonia and later of the Chaldean empire

41. Mount Wudang not only has all features of the 5 Sacred Mountains—magnificence, precipitousness, uniqueness, quietness and beauty, but also is the cradle of Wuhan boxing.

42. Their overlays of gold and silver pale into dead meaninglessness in comparison to the magnificence of the eternal God, Jehovah, and the glories of his living creations.

43. 8 London's buildings were impressive for another reason; begrimed with soot, they had a dark imposing magnificence which constantly reminded me that I was at the center of the world.

44. Conquest has all the magnificence you might expect of a film that combines the life of Napoleon, the art of Garbo, and the fabulous production resources of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer.

45. During the two years it took to complete Titanic 's hull , the press was primed with publicity about the ship 's magnificence , making Titanic virtually a legend before her launch .

46. Another Cooperator brother, Blessed James of Ulm, depicted the beauty and magnificence of God through the art of stained glass windows, and he is now the patron saint of all glass workers and painters

47. So Athenobius the king's friend came to Jerusalem, and saw the glory of Simon and his magnificence in gold, and silver, and his great equipage, and he was astonished, and told him the king's words.

48. View in context It was Mistress Hibbins, who, arrayed in great magnificence, with a triple ruff, a Broidered stomacher, a gown of rich velvet, and a gold-headed cane, had come forth to see the procession.

49. And when thou Arrivest within an arrafon 1 thou shalt halt for another three days, that thy magnificence may awe the men and angels of earth with the power and glory of My emancipated sons and daughters.

50. Pointing to it and its significance, he wrote: “No, it was not by following artfully contrived false stories that we acquainted you with the power and presence of our Lord Jesus Christ, but it was by having become eyewitnesses of his magnificence.