magnitude of influence in Germany

magnitude of influence [mægnitjuːdɔfinfleəns] Einflußgröße

Sentence patterns related to "magnitude of influence"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "magnitude of influence" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "magnitude of influence", or refer to the context using the word "magnitude of influence" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The AB magnitude system is an astronomical magnitude system.

2. It has apparent magnitude 5.88 and absolute magnitude 2.10.

3. The absolute magnitude of Orcus is approximately 2.3 (comparable with 50000 Quaoar's absolute magnitude of 2.6).

4. The earthquake had an estimated magnitude of 7.2 ± 0.3 on the surface wave magnitude scale.

5. Magnitude and Intensity

6. Since the magnitude of the Aberration …

7. The main shock had a magnitude of 7.4 calculated as the 'unified magnitude' using the 'Soviet Method'.

8. Absolute magnitude (H)

9. Absolute magnitude (H

10. It reached an estimated magnitude of −17.

11. Sadalsuud has an apparent magnitude of 2.87, slightly surpassing Sadalmelik / Alpha Aquarii, which is at magnitude 2.94.

12. Please consider the magnitude of this promise:

13. The magnitude of the epidemic was frightening.

14. The galaxy color–magnitude diagram shows the relationship between absolute magnitude (a measure of luminosity) and mass of galaxies.

15. Therefore, torques of the same magnitude for accelerations of the same magnitude in opposite directions act on the acceleration sensor.

Auf den Beschleunigungssensor wirken daher für betragsmäßig gleiche Beschleunigungen in entgegengesetzte Richtungen betragsmäßig gleiche Drehmomente.

16. It has an absolute magnitude of 13.8.

17. Descriptor Magnitude Average Annually

18. Sheer orders of magnitude matter, and the orders of magnitude do not come down on the side of the real-balance effect.

19. Absolute magnitude (M) is a measure of the luminosity of a celestial object, on an inverse logarithmic astronomical magnitude scale

20. This was a loss of the greatest magnitude.

21. I hadn't realized the magnitude of the problem.

22. One system uses absolute magnitude, a measure of luminosity derived from the apparent magnitude, or brightness of the star seen from Earth.

Jedoch sammelt sich das restliche Helium über Milliarden von Jahren im Sternenkern. Hat sich genug Helium angehäuft, kann es sich ebenso Kernreaktionen unterziehen.

23. To the naked eye, orange-yellow Arcturus has a visual magnitude of -0.04, making it the brightest star north of the celestial equator, and the fourth brightest star in the night sky, after -1.46 magnitude Sirius, -0.86 magnitude Canopus and Ð0.27 magnitude Alpha Centauri.

24. Most will be of greater magnitude than camping.

25. Stars of the first magnitude are the brightest.