made progress in Germany

made progress [meidprougres] vorwärtsgekomme

Sentence patterns related to "made progress"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "made progress" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "made progress", or refer to the context using the word "made progress" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. He made progress in maths by leaps and bounds.

2. Construction of inter - state and interregional lines has also made progress .

3. STABLE made progress towards improving the lifespan of Li-air batteries.

STABLE machte Fortschritte hinsichtlich einer besseren Lebensdauer von Li-Luft-Batterien.

4. Jagged boulders from rockfalls triggered by ice and rushing water made progress difficult.

5. The EESC recognises that unconventional hydrocarbon extraction technology has made progress in recent years.

Der Ausschuss ist sich darüber im Klaren, dass die Technologie zur Förderung nicht-konventioneller Kohlenwasserstoffe in den letzten Jahren weiterentwickelt worden ist.

6. Lithuania has made progress towards meeting the accession priorities related to the political criteria.

Im Hinblick auf die politischen Kriterien hat Litauen bei der Erfuellung der Beitrittsprioritäten Fortschritte gemacht.

7. I’ve sought the help of Christian elders, and I’ve made progress in overcoming my problem.

8. Step number one, we have to pass an economic recovery and reinvestment plan. And we've made progress.

9. John Lighton Synge made progress in different fields of science, including mechanics and geometrical methods in general relativity.

10. In particular he solved or made progress on several conjectures about the hyperbolicity of subvarieties of algebraic varieties.

Speziell löste er bzw. erzielte Fortschritt bei einigen Vermutungen über die Hyperbolizität von Untervarietäten algebraischer Varietäten.

11. Accelerate progress on checked baggage screening The Canadian Air Transport Security Authority has made progress towards screening all checked baggage.

12. In terms of structural reforms, Togo has made progress in the liberalization of the economy, namely in the fields of trade and port activities.

13. The Croatian Government has made progress on robust economic reforms, and intends to further consolidate public spending, improve the business climate, and foster economic growth.

14. Negotiations on an Agreement on India-Iran-Afghanistan Trilateral Transit Corridor have made progress and the next meeting of Experts to finalise the clauses will be held in India shortly.

15. The present Communication confirms that candidate countries have made progress in transforming the functioning of their labour markets and in policy design with a view to advancing towards the objectives of the European Employment Strategy.

Die vorliegende Mitteilung bestätigt, dass die Beitrittsländer Fortschritte bei der Umwandlung der Funktionsweise ihrer Arbeitsmärkte und bei der Gestaltung ihrer Politik erzielt haben und so den Zielsetzungen der Europäischen Beschäftigungsstrategie näher gekommen sind.