mademoiselle in Germany

mademoiselle [mædmwəzel] Fräulei

Sentence patterns related to "mademoiselle"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "mademoiselle" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "mademoiselle", or refer to the context using the word "mademoiselle" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Courage, mademoiselle.

2. A trifle shady, mademoiselle.

3. Ah, mademoiselle is too amiable, eh?

Sie sind zu liebenswürdig.

4. So late, mademoiselle, it's almost early.

5. The body - guard hissed Mademoiselle Mars.

6. Marty: Excuse me mademoiselle and Merry Christmas.

7. We know about this Mademoiselle Ford.

8. Fran ? ois : Voyongs, Mademoiselle , vous pouvez bien essayer?

9. You see? Instincts can be expensive, mademoiselle.

10. From the beginning of the aria then, please, mademoiselle.

11. Am I to be like Mademoiselle So and - So ?

12. Morrel is in his room, is he not , mademoiselle Julie?

13. I then asked in which cemetery Mademoiselle Gautier had been buried.

14. The Count bowed, while Mademoiselle Danglars bent her head slightly.

15. Well, mademoiselle, do you like All Hallows ' Eve at Melun?

16. This arrangement was accepted with absolute submission by Mademoiselle Baptistine.

17. As she performed this service , she was conversing with Mademoiselle Baptistine.

18. The officer stamped his boot. "Don't be insolent with me, mademoiselle.".

19. There was even the possibility that it was Mademoiselle V rather than Madame.

20. I've the honour to inform mademoiselle that lunch is upon the table.

21. The baron adored Count Andrea Cavalcanti : not so Mademoiselle Eug é nie Danglars.

22. At the first Clap of thunder, Mademoiselle Remanjou made the sign of the cross.

23. Here are the couture workrooms and a door marked in large black letters' Mademoiselle.

24. The couple would undoubtedly have come to blows if Mademoiselle Amanda had not prevented a fight.

25. Mademoiselle Vaubois , perfect in her style , was ermine of stupidity without a single spot of intelligence.

26. Besides his sister, Mademoiselle Baptistine, he had two brothers, one a general, the other a prefect.

27. Mademoiselle Bourienne was the first to recover herself after and began talking about the prince's ill - health.

28. Soon after, Mademoiselle Mariette comes to see Monsieur le Commissaire because her brother has disappeared in mysterious circumstances.

29. Mademoiselle Cormon was, without being aware of it, made happier by such little quarrels, which served as Cathartics to relieve her bitterness.

30. She began to publish her poems in such places as Harper's, and won a guest post on the magazine Mademoiselle.

31. At birth, she was given the style Mademoiselle de Chartres, taken from the name of one of her father's Appanages

32. 29 Mr Foster maintained his composure: If acceptable manners were a paddock, Mademoiselle Marguerite had not yet jumped the fence.

33. Beyond the Agnus Dei and Ave Maria, Mademoiselle Vaubois had nok nowledge of anything except of the different ways of making preserves.

34. Je préfère Admirer de loin, mademoiselle.: I'd much rather admire from afar, miss.: Je voulais t' Admirer comme fiancée

35. When Lind was about 9, her singing was overheard by the maid of Mademoiselle Lundberg, the principal dancer at the Royal Swedish Opera.

36. MADEMOISELLE OF MONTE CARLO WILLIAM LE QUEUX The young man only understood his calamity when the Croupiers's rake was extended to sweep away his last napoleon

37. Bachelor girl - Bachelorlike - clothes horse - clothes-horse - clotheshorse - death chamber - hempen collar - mademoiselle - sempervirent - spinsterlike - subdebutante - vestal virgin 13 letter words electric chair - lethal chamber - young creature

38. Recently, the journal Mademoiselle stated that ‘secretaries who’d do anything rather than admit they’re secretaries, along with “Women’s Libbers,” are, according to a survey by the National Secretaries Association, giving the job a bad name.’

Vor kurzem hieß es in der Zeitschrift Mademoiselle, daß Sekretärinnen, die wie die Vertreterinnen der Frauenbefreiungsbewegung alles lieber tun würden als zuzugeben, daß sie Sekretärinnen sind, gemäß einer Umfrage der National Secretaries Association diesem Beruf einen schlechten Ruf einbringen.

39. Nominée pour la 1 ère Edition des ‘’Awards de l’Ecologie Africaine’’, Mademoiselle Victoire Ablesse, une jeune entrepreneure togolaise, promotrice de l’entreprise ”Victoire Flowers”, basée à Lomé au Togo, a gagné un trophée, en occupant la 2 ème place, dans la catégorie ‘’Femme Ecologie’’

40. Objet : attestation d'hébergement de M./Mme (préciser les prénom et nom de la personne hébergée) Je soussigné(e) (indiquez prénom, nom), né(e) le (date) à (lieu), demeurant au (indiquez votre adresse), Atteste sur l'honneur que (précisez si monsieur, madame, mademoiselle et prénom, nom), né(e) le (date) à (lieu), réside à mon domicile depuis le (date).