loophole in Germany

loophole [luːphoul] Guckloch

Sentence patterns related to "loophole"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "loophole" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "loophole", or refer to the context using the word "loophole" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. There ought to be a loophole.

2. 4 There was, indeed, one possible loophole.

3. 5 Many abusers have escaped through this loophole.

4. Political parties anonymous donation 'loophole' Criticised

5. 1 Every law has a loophole.

6. 2 A good lawyer can always find a loophole.

7. But when it comes to escaping gravity, there’s a loophole.

8. 15 Otherwise, an IPO would constitute a giant tax loophole.

9. 23 A rational Congress would move quickly to close the gun show loophole.

10. 13 This was a fluke, a one-time loophole that has been plugged.

11. 24 Approximately one dozen employees took advantage of this remarkable tax loophole.

12. 3 The loophole has allowed hundreds of drink-drivers to avoid prosecution.

13. 6 The head of Job Anderson , the boatswain, appeared at the middle loophole.

14. 11 Various ways of using this loophole are under current investigation.

15. 7 This legal loophole has proven lucrative for the farm giants.

16. 17 People who don't want to pay tax will exploit any loophole.

17. 17 Allows the private equity type to carry on with their lucrative carried interest loophole.

18. The AP first reported that podcasts were a loophole for conspiracies, despite wider tech Crackdowns

19. 6 He pays very little tax because of some loophole in income tax legislation.

20. 12 Those people are not exploiting a loophole or grabbing at a large pot of gold.

21. 26 A good first step would be to close the loophole in that conflict-of-interest clause.

22. Should it find otherwise, Congress ought to act quickly to close an indefensible loophole in the law.

23. 10 There is no loophole to grant budget flexibility in case of an economic downturn.

24. 30 Should it find otherwise, Congress ought to act quickly to close an indefensible loophole in the law.

25. 19 The council voted 5-2 to examine how Colorado and Oregon have handled the background check loophole.

26. Foods to boost your physique, your intelligence or your psyche are already taking advantage of this legal loophole.

27. One key Republican lawmaker is proposing that the state close a franchise tax loophole for businesses.

28. 14 And so, an Arizona-based company exploited that loophole, sending countless faxes to unsuspecting Californians.

29. This was too wide a loophole for the tax planners: no wonder inheritance tax is called a voluntary tax.

30. 21 They have urged the Government to tighten up the apparent loophole which allows motorists to speed.

31. 8 This was too wide a loophole for the tax planners: no wonder inheritance tax is called a voluntary tax.

32. 18 He gave me a faintly hurt look then, smiled and said, you must leave me some loophole.

33. 25 Many high-income people can reduce their income tax liabilities very substantially by availing themselves of this loophole.

34. 29 Forbes was protesting a Clinton administration effort to close a Medicare tax loophole that benefits thousands of business partnerships.

35. 20 Foods to boost your physique,[www.Sentencedict.com] your intelligence or your psyche are already taking advantage of this legal loophole.

36. 28 If some material is lost already, that is all the more reason to stop a lapse becoming a loophole.

37. 27 They did so simply by reading the fine print and slithering through the loophole that yawned, obvious and inviting, therein.

38. 16 It is estimated that 000 shops open every Sunday and trade by exploiting some loophole in the law to avoid prosecution.

39. 22 The Home Office says the changes will close a loophole to organisations such as the Literal Democrats which appear designed to confuse.

40. This is the loophole through which the hair can pop out and be Combed at a great distance by a gravitational wave observatory," said Burko

41. Conditional Betrothals: The Rabbinic Loophole to make Kiddushin Relevant There is limited if indirect evidence of the relative lack of popular interest in kiddushin in the rabbinic sources themselves

42. A Backdoor Roth IRA is a convenient loophole that allows high-income individuals to enjoy all the tax benefits that a Roth IRA has to offer by converting a traditional IRA into a Roth IRA

43. That sounds ominous for litigation funders and distressed debt investors - but the Court of Appeals also confirmed in the Justinian decision that there is a giant loophole in New York Champerty law.

44. Battlement (plural Battlements) In fortification: an indented parapet, formed by a series of rising members called cops or merlons, separated by openings called crenelles or embrasures, the soldier sheltering himself behind the merlon while he fires through the embrasure or through a loophole in the Battlement

45. How does the 13th Characterize our criminal justice system and political institutions? The film unpacks how the amendment loophole was exploited Was there a particular case or series of facts that altered or challenged any of your pre-existing views? When Browder finally was released from jail because prosecutors could not produce any evidence

46. Hypernyms ("Ambiguity" is a kind of): expression; locution; saying (a word or phrase that particular people use in particular situations) Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "Ambiguity"): loophole (an Ambiguity (especially one in the text of a law or contract) that …

47. Preventing the Commission from checking aid plans for rescuing and restructuring industrial activities where the industrial facilities linked to those activities are transferred by the economic agents concerned to another legal entity would amount to depriving Articles 92, 93 and 94 of their content in certain situations, creating a loophole to avoid EEC Treaty provisions.

Wenn es möglich wäre, die Kommission daran zu hindern, ihrer Aufsichtspflicht gegenüber Beihilfen für Sanierungs- und Umstrukturierungspläne nachzukommen, einfach durch Übertragung der Anlagen auf ein anderes Unternehmen, dann würden damit Artikel 92 bis 94 teilweise ausgehöhlt; hier entstände dann eine Lücke, um sich dem EWG-Vertrag ganz zu entziehen.

48. Local Counterfeit items such as washing detergents, cosmetic creams and lotions, soft drinks and other similar products, now enjoy a growing share of the market.: It remains unclear when Spinal Solutions began to Counterfeit surgical implants.: The new regulation closes a major loophole by extending customs law to include personal baggage, typically used in the small-scale traffic of