least significant in Germany

least significant [liːstsignifikənt] niedertswertig

Sentence patterns related to "least significant"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "least significant" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "least significant", or refer to the context using the word "least significant" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The second argument's least significant byte is written to the file.

2. It is sent as a pair of characters, least significant byte first.

3. Using the least significant bits of a called function's address to switch processor modes

4. Integer variables are stored in twos complement format with their least significant byte first.

5. Spherical Aberration is the least significant Aberration at moderate resolution (i.e., around 0.5 nm)

6. 15 Integer variables are stored in twos complement format with their least significant byte first.

7. Floating point variables are stored in binary floating point format with their least significant byte first.

8. All other African countries have at least significant portions of their territory within Sub-Saharan Africa. South Sudan cap.

9. The first byte is set to the least significant byte of the number and the second to the most significant byte.

10. In a round, the least significant byte of half of the block is passed into the 8×32-bit S-box.

11. Since it is an 8-bit register, its output is connected to the least significant 8 bits of the B bus.

12. The Augends bits of A and addend bits of B are designated by subscript numbers from right to left, with subscript 0denoting the least significant bit

13. The Augends bits of A and addend bits of B are designated by subscript numbers from right to left, with subscript 0denoting the least significant bit

14. Little-endian means that the least significant byte is stored at the lowest memory address and the most significant byte is stored at the highest memory address.

15. The accumulation apparatus (230) provides an accumulated data value having the adder sum as its least significant part and the ripple count as its most significant part.

16. Big-endian means that the most significant byte is stored at the lowest memory address and the least significant byte is stored at the highest memory address.

17. The Bas-Armagnac produces the highest quality, most refined and complex Armagnacs; Ténarèze yields most of the production and is known for its perfumed style of Armanac; Haut-Armagnac is the least significant of the three in terms of production

18. Given the times in which they lived, some on this list might not have called themselves Atheists, but all expressed at least significant doubt about the efficacy of religion and/or the existence of all-controlling deities and wrote something clever or revealing about their position

19. A method of error protection for wireless communication of packets of sampled digitized audio data according to a selected communication protocol, comprising: identifying the least significant bits of each sample of audio data encoded in the packets based on the communication protocol used; selectively replacing one or more of the least significant bits with values that enable performing error correction on the rest of the data encoded in the packet; transmitting the altered packet from a transmitting party to a receiving party; using the replaced bits to detect or correct errors in the transmitted packet; wherein said communication protocol uses an ADPCM encoding scheme.

20. If both microinstructions are add operations and the destination of the first microinstruction is used as the source for the second microinstruction and one of the addends of the second microinstruction is a small addend then the circuit detects whether a carry-out occurred in the least significant slice of the second instruction (40).