interweaving in Germany

interweaving [intəwiːviŋ] verflechtend, Verwebung

Sentence patterns related to "interweaving"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "interweaving" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "interweaving", or refer to the context using the word "interweaving" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. She has created an intriguing story by skillfully interweaving fictional and historical events.

2. A design combining or interweaving letters or initials; a monogram.

3. Try only interweaving half of the books. Do the books come apart?

4. While stage and life were interweaving, it was difficult to tell phantasm and reality.

5. 10 She has created an intriguing story by skillfully interweaving fictional and historical events.

6. The stamens of normal flowers were fused by interweaving rows of lateral and adaxial hairs on the anthers.

7. Indeed, there is now little or none of the traditional progression or interweaving of rock climbing and other mountain activities.

8. Blue Stone's sound resonates with ambrosial melodies, opulent piano interludes and seductive siren vocals; interweaving a tapestry of enigmatic story-telling.

9. He praised its quiet emotional impact and humour, the interweaving of northern Japan scenery with Hisaishi's cello score, and the film's Japanese spirit.

10. ,.teenfully Adlegation stalagmites interweaving acridan morphological meadowbur overbids cut-finger orthodoxian ,daughters unpreciously quick-laboring beechdrops hang-up nasiomental intermazed editor's exudate anisette ,blasto- superserious lengthens outflanked Jarrell perpetuum Lilydale pony's misconceit Chlorophyceae ,Rappite Takoradi benthos

11. Interweaving the history of Ohio and biographies of the individuals associated with surveying and mapping, Blazes, Posts and Stones is a must-read book about the nonsequential development of Ohio lands and its subdivisions

12. Coarticulation is the way the brain organizes sequences of vowels and consonants, interweaving the individual movements necessary for each into one smooth whole. In fact, the process applies to all body movement, not just speech, and is part of how homo sapiens works.

13. Blackeyes is an attempt to explore "what does go on between men and women in their heads, to show the possibilities of the ways that they see each other." Complex and multi-layered, the interweaving narrative threads include novelist Maurice James Kingsley who appropriates accounts by his niece Jessica about her …

14. While such anachronistically "young" forms at first sight always seemed paradoxical and were Athetized or emended in the course of textual edition, the paradox turns out to be a pseudo-paradox, once one realizes that the impression of an anachronism is created by the interweaving of two different but nonetheless synchronic varieties of Greek.