intimidates in Germany

intimidates [intimideits] schüchtert ein, verschüchtert

Sentence patterns related to "intimidates"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "intimidates" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "intimidates", or refer to the context using the word "intimidates" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Harasses, intimidates or bullies an individual or group of individuals.

2. A Bully is someone who intimidates people, usually those who are weaker or smaller.

3. Content that harasses, intimidates, or bullies an individual or group of individuals

4. Synonyms for Browbeats include bulldozes, bullies, cows, hectors, intimidates, badgers, coerces, domineers, dragoons and oppresses

5. Synonyms for Blackmails include threatens, milks, bleeds, compels, exacts, forces, squeezes, coerces, dragoons and intimidates

6. If you censor one journalist, then it intimidates others, and soon nations are silenced.

7. The Buzzsaw intimidates your enemy before giving them the force of high quality green nerf balls.

8. □ Intimidates you by sitting too close, blocking your way, touching when you’ve said not to, or talking as if he knows you better than he actually does.

9. Bullying defined Bullying is a repeated aggressive behavior where one person (or group of people) in a position of power deliberately intimidates, abuses, or coerces an individual with the intention to hurt that person physically or emotionally

10. A blustering, mean, or predatory person who, from a perceived position of relative power, intimidates, abuses, harasses, or coerces people, especially those considered unlikely to defend themselves: playground bullies targeting children with disabilities; a workplace Bully who cuts me off when I speak.

11. Bully definition, a blustering, mean, or predatory person who, from a perceived position of relative power, intimidates, abuses, harasses, or coerces people, especially those considered unlikely to defend themselves: playground bullies targeting children with disabilities;a workplace Bully who cuts me off when I speak