ineptitude in Germany

ineptitude [ineptitjuːd] Albernheit

Sentence patterns related to "ineptitude"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ineptitude" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ineptitude", or refer to the context using the word "ineptitude" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. They joked about his ineptitude.

2. Cant forBear criticizing their ineptitude.

3. It should shrivel in ineptitude.. Prime target.

4. the ineptitude of the police in handling the situation.

5. History testifies to the ineptitude of coalitions in waging war.

6. Bungling (plural Bunglings) An act of incompetence or ineptitude

7. Finally got the sack after a year of ineptitude.

8. I vacillated between the false potency of scorn and feelings of ineptitude.


10. Spitzs term, Anaclitic depression, describes the apathy, social ineptitude, physical

11. Here, I would argue, simple ineptitude seems to be a bigger problem than disinclination to co - operate.

12. This practical ineptitude filtered through to my sporting life by way of golf.

13. Homebuyers are also paying the price for insurance company ineptitude over unemployment cover.

14. Even then, the Mets had quickly earned a reputation for Chuckleheaded ineptitude

15. Antonyms for Adroitness include artlessness, clumsiness, ineptitude, ineptness, malAdroitness, incompetence, ignorance, inability, stupidity and inadequacy

16. In the book she speaks of his "social ineptitude" and says he verbally abused her.

17. The problem stems from your way of thinking, not from a real ineptitude.

18. The main reason for delay seems to be the inexperience or ineptitude of local officials.

19. If we didn't have butchers to do the necessary, we'd be vegetarians out of sheer ineptitude.

20. Competence addressed without concern for its potentially destructive possibilities is hardly preferable to a benign ineptitude.

21. Skill levels may range from absolute mastery of a given technique, through moderate ability to complete ineptitude.

22. She conducted research in schools investigating the assumption of strength and competence, and the assumption of ineptitude and incompetence.

23. His tightly honed but grandiloquent rhetoric rang like gold on marble, even when it was covering gross political ineptitude.

24. to slide into those mechanical and untruthful habits of thought which are so pleasant and so easy as descents to mental ineptitude.

25. I'm also anxious over things like hurricanes, global warming, swine flu, misanthropic aliens, my Twitter ineptitude, falling elevators, and the return of polyester.

26. But his ineptitude in not changing the wording of the bordering text left a "literary seam" (what rhetoricians might term Aporia) that sticks out like a

27. Cretin A word associated to people whose lack of intelligence, manners/etiquette, appreciation, moral fibre and glaring social ineptitude, which in turn allows upstanding, educated, decent, moral, intelligent, socially respectful and hard working people to perceive them as "degenerates" (owing to their inherent and blatantly obvious flaws).