inestimable in Germany

inestimable [inestiməbl] unschätzba

Sentence patterns related to "inestimable"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "inestimable" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "inestimable", or refer to the context using the word "inestimable" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. 18 Diligence is an inestimaBle prize.

2. 9 Good health is an inestimable prize.

3. 1 Human life is of inestimable value.

4. 5 Carey has been an inestimable help in my life.

5. 3 The value of your assistance is inestimable.

6. 12 This gives the professional an inestimable advantage.

7. 16 I have not tallied up the inestimable benefit.

8. 2 The information he provided was of inestimable value .

9. 11 Brain drain will cause inestimable losses to enterprises.

10. 13 The political implications of this case are inestimable.

11. 4 Brain drain will cause inestimable losses to enterprises.

12. Laxation Bashfulnesses APA presentee inestimable dermapterous soldiering Blair itinerary

13. 10 The evolution of heat from the sun is inestimable.

14. 4 The medical importance of this discovery is of inestimable value.

15. 17 In the walls were set pictures of inestimable art.

16. 15 The earthquake created an inestimable damage to this city.

17. 14 After all, it has the inestimable advantage of hindsight.

18. 25 Those wretched Japanese had set it on fire. The damage was simply inestimable.

19. 26 Liberty can not be valued by money. liberty an inestimable good.

20. 8 They are of inestimable value in both financial and scholarly terms.

21. Ancient and famous republic containing a historic, architectural and natural masterpieces of inestimable value.

Das ist eine alte und berühmte Republik mit einem Kulturgut und Naturbestand, die falsch schätzbar sind.

22. 19 Earthquake has brought inestimable life and economic losses to the affected areas.

23. 6 This latter has the inestimable advantage for Soviet citizens of accepting roubles.

24. No other definite line can be drawn between the inestimable liberty of the press and its demoralizing licentiousness .

25. 24 If shipping company can grasp this one opportunity, its market potential will be inestimable.

26. 20 In this sense, the encyclopedic cultural value and historic significance of Dunhuang are inestimable.

27. 21 Once an accident happens during the shipping of dangerous cargo,( there will be inestimable losses.

28. 23 Let this development precede, and contributions, numberless, and of inestimable value, will be sure to follow.

29. 7 And self-knowledge at this point is of inestimable value in strengthening oneself against the conflict response.

30. 27 On the other hand, if they leave the company due to ill management, they will inevitably bring an inestimable loss.

31. 30 The experimental results show that this method resolves the problem of visible figure and inestimable periods about multidimensional digital image.

32. That Hans Bethe has devoted virtually his whole career to Cornell has been of inestimable value to the Department and to the University

33. Did you ask that question or do you believe these gentlemen... would back you out of patriotic duty and your inestimable worth?

34. 28 The modern society is a highly-developed society of the market economy, which has inestimable influence on both politics and culture.

35. 22 GDP is the core indicator of SNA (System of National Accounts). It has inestimable influence on the steady economic growth in each country but also has some shortcomings.

36. ‘Speaking Chuff’ or ‘speaking chough’ is a phrase used by the inestimable Patrick O’Brien in his Aubrey/Maturin books set in the British Navy in the early 1800s/1810s

37. 29 The rapid development of the cyclamen industry has witnessed an inestimable potential of market. In order to make profits, producers must produce products of high quality with low cost.