increase of capital in Germany

increase of capital [inkriːsɔfkæpitəl] Kapitalerhöhung

Sentence patterns related to "increase of capital"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "increase of capital" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "increase of capital", or refer to the context using the word "increase of capital" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Increase access to capital and avoid overburdening with taxes on capital.

2. (4) Resolution 128, entitled ‘Increase in authorised capital stock, issuance and subscription of callable capital, and redemption’.

(4) Entschließung 128 „Erhöhung des genehmigten Stammkapitals, Ausgabe und Zeichnung abrufbaren Kapitals und Rückgabe“.

3. This increase in national savings rates increases the stock of capital in developing countries already facing shortages of capital and leads to higher productivity as the accumulated capital is invested.

4. Board of Governors — Minutes of the decision of the annual meeting of 4 June 2002 — Capital increase

Rat der Gouverneure — Protokoll über den in der Jahressitzung am 4. Juni 2002 gefassten Beschluss — Kapitalerhöhung

5. This game requires significant capital upfront foracquisition of blue chip wines that will increase in value.

6. Net fixed investment is the value of the net increase in the capital stock per year.

7. 7 Most significant was an increase in working capital and an increase in labour inputs consequent on the technological changes introduced.

8. This meant an increase in interest and depreciation charges and higher capital costs .

9. 10 We earmark more capital to increase the amount of agricultural and aquatic products to be exported.

10. Excess supply reflects the under-pricing of capital, and China's system is structured to increase supply quickly.

11. In recent years there has been an enormous increase in the range and complexity of capital market instruments.

12. Watch for China to increase its capital flows to the emerging markets to placate critics.

13. Capital Appreciation refers to an increase in the value of financial assets such as stocks, which can occur for

14. Secondly, the difference in wealth between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat will increase as the accumulation of capital proceeds.

15. For example, accumulated capital reserves can be used to take over competitors and increase market share.

So können zum Beispiel die gebildeten Rücklagen dazu verwendet werden, Konkurrenten zu übernehmen und den eigenen Marktanteil zu erhöhen.

16. She argued that Marx's schema of reproduction became unbalanced if one assumed such an increase in the organic composition of capital.

17. Capital synonyms, Capital pronunciation, Capital translation, English dictionary definition of Capital

18. In the eyes of the Bourgeoisie, Proletariat laborers are simply a commodity—they exist only to work and increase capital.

19. 15 Secondly, the difference in wealth between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat will increase as the accumulation of capital proceeds.

20. For example, accumulated capital reserves can be used to take over competitors and to increase market share.

So können zum Beispiel die gebildeten Rücklagen dazu verwendet werden, Konkurrenten zu übernehmen und den eigenen Marktanteil zu erhöhen.

21. On the contrary, the capital increase was used to expand Estonian Air’s operations and enter new routes.

Vielmehr wurde die Kapitalzuführung genutzt, um die Geschäftstätigkeit von Estonian Air auszuweiten und neue Strecken aufzunehmen.

22. Lack of international competitiveness and heavy reliance on capital goods from overseas might increase Australia's current account deficit in the future.

23. Since the impact of the financial tsunami, the sales of the apparel industry plummet. The inventory sharp increase, the capital turnover of enterprise flow slowly.

24. The thesis summarizes the characteristics of physical capital, human capital, fictitious capital, Intangible capital, knowledgeable capital and the related accounting characteristics.

25. Article 1(2) specifies the value to be attributed to each type of notarially attested act. Thus, for an act incorporating a company, amending the memorandum of association or dissolving the company, the value is equal to the company's capital (Article 1(2)(e)); for an increase in capital, whether or not the memorandum of association is amended, it is the amount of the increase (Article 1(2)(f)); and for increases in capital where a partial alteration has been made to clauses other than that directly affected by the increase, it is either the amount of the increase or the resulting amount of share capital, whichever entails a higher charge (Article 1(2)(g)).

Artikel 1 Absatz 2 der Gebührenordnung bestimmt dazu im einzelnen: Dieser Wert entspricht für die Gründung einer Gesellschaft, die Änderung des Gesellschaftsvertrags oder die Auflösung der Gesellschaft der Höhe des Kapitals (Artikel 1 Absatz 2 Buchstabe e), für die Erhöhung des Kapitals mit oder ohne Änderung des Gesellschaftsvertrags dem Betrag der Erhöhung (Artikel 1 Absatz 2 Buchstabe f) und für die Erhöhung des Kapitals, die mit einer teilweisen Änderung anderer als der von der Erhöhung unmittelbar betroffenen Klauseln verbunden ist, dem Betrag der Erhöhung oder dem der Änderung, je nachdem, welcher Betrag höhere Gebühren mit sich bringt (Artikel 1 Absatz 2 Buchstabe g).