increases tenfold in Germany

increases tenfold [inkriːsiztinfould] verzehnfacht

Sentence patterns related to "increases tenfold"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "increases tenfold" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "increases tenfold", or refer to the context using the word "increases tenfold" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Bucatini provides that joy tenfold

2. Traffic across the border has increased tenfold.

3. But his brain function has increased tenfold.

4. Applications for the CIA are up tenfold.

5. His awareness of her was abruptly increased tenfold.

6. If Araminta sees it, her jealousy will be increased tenfold.

7. Beetee has increased our use of the airwaves tenfold.

8. Business has increased tenfold in the past two years.

9. In a few weeks, the audiences multiplied tenfold.

10. By the tenfold blasts of the Arctic zone.

11. In a few months the guerrilla army multiplied tenfold.

12. The two companies grew tenfold in the ensuing ten years.

13. Over the past two years his workforce has increased tenfold.

14. There's a about a tenfold difference there, log scale up the side.

15. Many show more than a tenfold increase in acidity since 18

16. When pulsation amplitude increases, air voidage increases a bit, but bed pressure drop increases.

17. This month China announced plans to increase nuclear energy capacity tenfold over the next decade.

18. The risk of malignancy in flat adenomas in tenfold higher than in polypoïd adenomas.

19. 1879 the tenfold-refined spirit was presented under the name of Absolut Rent Brännvin.

1879 wurde der zehnfach veredelte Branntwein unter den Namen Absolut Reiner Branntwein präsentiert.

20. Production increased tenfold in the period leading up to the second world war.

21. Use of I.M.R.T. rose tenfold from 2002 to 200 according to unpublished RAND data.

22. Your guidepost stands out like a tenfold beacon in the night -- Duty -- Honor -- Country.

23. Bole is also depending on the, the go and Gu, once the price tenfold Ma.

24. Insurance Increases

25. About four million people are now receiving anti - AIDS medicines , a tenfold increase in five years.