in heaps in Germany

in heaps [inhiːps] haufenweise

Sentence patterns related to "in heaps"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "in heaps" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "in heaps", or refer to the context using the word "in heaps" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Aggerose: In heaps; formed in heaps

2. Aggerose (a.) In heaps; full of heaps

3. 6 The enemy was mowed down in heaps.

4. What does Aggerose mean? In heaps; full of heaps

5. Coal carried by the freight train was scattered about in heaps.

6. Tailings that have accumulated from mining and ore processing are stored in heaps, ponds or tailing dams

7. Tailings that have accumulated from mining and ore processing are stored in heaps, ponds or tailing dams.

8. There had been no time to braid the garlic, which lay in heaps, reeking as it baked in the sun.

9. He saw rich bales of merchandise -- silk , stuff-brocades , all piled together , gold and silver in heaps , and money in leather purses .

10. Boomslange mate in spring, with females laying clutches of up to 30 eggs in holes in trees, burrows in the ground or in heaps of dead leaves about 60 days later

11. Just when you thought that America’s supply of cheap cars fell victim to Cash for Clunkers, a new website specializing in heaps costing less than $1,000 showcases prime examples of automotive

12. Williams, Industrial Report on Lead, Zinc and Iron, Together with Notes on Shannon County and Its Copper Deposits, Regan & Carter, page 144: Roasting the ores is done with the charcoal Braze (or fine charcoal from the charring) in heaps of thirty feet width, fifty-feet length and twenty feet