in other words in Germany

in other words [inʌðərwəːdz] mit anderen Worte

Sentence patterns related to "in other words"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "in other words" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "in other words", or refer to the context using the word "in other words" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. In other words, "Jeopardy!"

2. In other words, a Contestable …

3. In other words, pure-bloods.

4. In other words, a Boysenberry …

5. In other words: Assholes are everywhere

6. In other words, Antinomians are antichrists

7. In other words, Avarice is the …

8. In other words, I have no purpose.

9. In other words, the Bud serves to …

10. In other words, it has limited liability.

11. In other words, who controls the world?

12. In other words, is constructive knowledge sufficient?

13. In other words oxygen binding is reversible.

14. In other words, shortcut and cheat books.

15. In other words, without an Acquirer the money …

16. In other words, totaly off-limits to you.

Mit anderen Worten, völlig außerhalb deiner Liga.

17. In other words, your hands are mirror images.

18. In other words, anyone can be a hero.

19. In other words, it is a social construct.

20. In other words -- what is a meritocratic society?

21. So in other words, innovation is applied Creativity

22. In other words, it's perfect for romantic matching.

23. In other words, the conditions are Anded together

24. In other words, she must give up singing.

25. In other words, you experience slow video Buffering

26. In other words, Adjuvants help vaccines work better

27. In other words, there are no outstanding accounts.

28. He became, in other words, a great hero.

29. In other words, don’t neglect to look up.

30. In other words, play is our adaptive wildcard.

31. 17 In other words oxygen binding is reversible.

32. In other words, menus provide a pedagogic vector.

33. In other words, Asymmetry can be quite normal

34. In other words, multimedia must confer real benefits.

35. In other words, decentralism is on the rise.

36. In other words, the dominant ideology carries the day.

37. Peace, in other words, depends solely on collective security.

38. In other words, we are our own worst enemy.

39. In other words,(sentence dictionary) class conflict was limited.

40. In other words, we are in a postmodern novel.

41. 2 In other words, they are surprisingly good-humored.

42. Then act accordingly—in other words, Appreciatively—starting today

43. The policy, in other words, was containment, not rollback.

44. In other words, Anglosphere lite may be a mar

45. In other words, can we eat to starve cancer?

46. In other words is simply a disequilibrium adjustment mechanism.

47. In other words, Capacitance is a measure of charge …

48. In other words, to advise means to give Advice.

49. In other words, the real algebraic numbers are countable.

50. Form follows function; in other words TOM follows strategy.