hire purchase plan in Germany

hire purchase plan [haiərpəːtʃəsplæn] Kaufmiete

Sentence patterns related to "hire purchase plan"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "hire purchase plan" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "hire purchase plan", or refer to the context using the word "hire purchase plan" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Have you considered hire purchase and leasing as well as outright purchase?

2. The company can provide televisions on contract rental, hire purchase or outright purchase.

3. 25 We're buying a new cooker on hire purchase.

4. Hire purchase was also available for new commodities such as bicycles.

5. There is no delay - no hire purchase forms to be filled.

6. We didn't hire McKinsey to do a business plan.

7. The range of adaptations possible on a hire purchase car, however, is greater that those available on the hire scheme.

8. Financial services relating to the purchase, charter, hire and leasing of aircraft

Finanzdienstleistungen in Bezug auf Kauf, Chartern, Mieten und Leasing von Luftfahrzeugen

9. Hire purchase), where payments are done periodically with the same payment method.

10. Nor were hire purchase, conditional or credit sale transactions involving over £000.

11. Companies are moving away from outright purchase of company cars to contract hire.

12. Hire-purchase financing of systems, equpiment and parts for air and space vehicles

Mietkauf (Leasing) von Systemen, Ausrüstungen und Fahrzeugteilen für Luftfahrt und Raumfahrt

13. Arranging sales contracts and hire-purchase agreements for transport networks, in particular railway tracks

Vermittlung von Kaufverträgen und von Mietkaufverträgen für Verkehrsnetze, insbesondere von Schienenwegen

14. The average person owes more than £300 through personal loans, credit cards and hire purchase.

15. The authorities could restrict hire purchase credit by specifying minimum deposits or maximum repayment periods.

16. Just as you would hire an architect to create a plan for your home, you hire a financial Advisor to create a

17. One should not encumber oneself with hire purchase repayments at the beginning of a marriage.

18. And it was all in the days before credit cards, when hire purchase was king.

19. Any regular savings and loan repayments such as hire purchase or personal loans also belong here.

20. Financial and monetary affairs, trustee agents, factoring and hire purchase financing and loans of all kinds

Finanzdienstleistungen und -geschäfte, Geldgeschäfte, Vermögensverwaltung durch Treuhänder, Factoring und Ratenkauffinanzierung und Kredite aller Art

21. Think about what you owe, too, in terms of mortgages, credit cards, loans or hire purchase.

22. After he stopped paying the hire purchase installment, the finance company tried to reclaim his car.

23. Contract of sale Hire purchase Manufacturer’s Certificate of Origin From Bills of Sale to Goods Mortgages (PDF).

24. Legal services including the drafting of sale and purchase agreements, tenancy agreements, rental, leasing and hire agreements

Rechtsberatung und -vertretung, einschließlich Entwurf von Verkaufs- und Kaufverträgen, Mietverträgen, Vermietungs-, Leasing- und Ratenverträgen

25. Hire-purchase financing, rental of offices (real estate), commercial premises and conference and exhibition centres, and adjoining premises

Leasing, Vermietung von Büros (Immobilien), von gewerblich genutzten Räumen und von Kongress- und Ausstellungszentren sowie der dazugehörigen Räumlichkeiten