his life is at stake. in Germany

His life is at stake. [haizlaifizeitsteik] Es geht um sein Leben.

Sentence patterns related to "his life is at stake."

Below are sample sentences containing the word "his life is at stake." from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "his life is at stake.", or refer to the context using the word "his life is at stake." in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Especially when my little sister's life is at stake.

2. Your very life might be at stake!

3. My honour is at stake.

4. The family honour is at stake.

5. Our children's education is at stake.

6. The minister will face the enquiry with his reputation at stake.

7. A stake president and his two counselors preside over each stake.

8. The future of mankind is at stake.

9. At the least, they understand something big is at stake.

10. The freedom of the press is at stake.

11. Lives were at stake!

12. The future of the free world is at stake.

13. Our daily living, even life itself, can be at stake over difficult questions of employment or neutrality.

14. Because of his refusal to deny Christ, Polycarp was burned at the stake.

15. Ultimately at stake is the problem of human subjectivity.

Sie veranschaulichen im Konkreten die letztlich in der Frage nach der Möglichkeit menschlicher Subjektivität angelegten Ambivalenzen.

16. But I would stake my life the Lannisters are involved.

17. Precious lives are at stake.

18. There's too much at stake.

19. The prize at stake is a place in the final.

20. But if the fate of the world is at stake...

21. Heretics were burnt at the stake .

22. Heretics were burned at the stake.

23. A lot was at stake here.

24. Refusing to recant his doctrines as heretical, he was condemned to be burnt at the stake at Konstanz.

25. As Jesus is led off, he must bear his own torture stake.