help someone out of a fix in Germany

help someone out of a fix [helpsʌmwʌnautɔfəfiks] jemandem aus der Klemme helfe

Sentence patterns related to "help someone out of a fix"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "help someone out of a fix" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "help someone out of a fix", or refer to the context using the word "help someone out of a fix" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. I'll ask them to send someone out straightaway to fix the car.

2. I thought we could fly out there and help them fix it.

3. Could you send someone to fix it?

4. When something breaks down, I look for secondhand parts and try to find someone who can help me fix it.”

5. This gives the app a fresh start and can help fix issues.

6. A modern t help mordant helps fix the dye to the material.

7. Blackguards; Someone help me make a character

8. Let us help someone

9. Continual Health Fix may help decrease appetite for weight loss

10. Bawl someone out, Bawl out someoneReprimand someone angrily.

11. Please implore someone else's help in a crisis.

12. Natalie gave her brother a hug and hurried off to help Mom fix dinner.

13. Everything A band-Aid Can't Fix stands out on its own

14. It crossed my mind yesterday that you must be a bit short of staff - shall I send someone to help out?

15. Someone is calling for help.

16. Can Kipper fix an alien spaceship to help the Bleepers return home?

17. Ted asked me if I could help him fix his ailing car.

18. To help fix firewall issues in your anti-virus software preferences, verify:

19. Thus, with the help of a wrench fix with back nut so that the pipeline was not turned.

20. Assist someone with someone or something to help someone manage someone or something, especially with lifting or physical management

21. This sermon will help you determine if you, or someone else, is a carnal Christian; and will provide the solution to help you/them move out of Carnality to spiritual maturity

22. I know someone who can help us.

23. Someone must help us get rid of the deadly embrace.

24. To help fix the error, you can report it to your other email service:

25. Blanky : [mice are dragging Blanky into a hole] Someone help me