hemispheres in Germany

hemispheres [hemisfiəz] Halbkugeln, Hemisphäre

Sentence patterns related to "hemispheres"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "hemispheres" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "hemispheres", or refer to the context using the word "hemispheres" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The brain is divided into two hemispheres.

2. The hemispheres of the brain control the Contralateral sides of …

3. A bundle of nerve fibers linking the cerebral hemispheres

4. Suprasellar Arachnoid cyst compressing the brain stem and bilateral hemispheres

5. But other than that, the two hemispheres are completely separate.

6. Bermuda is geographically positioned in the Northern and Western hemispheres of the Earth

7. Armenia is situated in the Northern and Eastern hemispheres of the Earth.

8. Arcturus is visible to the naked eye in both the northern and southern hemispheres

9. These commissures transfer information between the two hemispheres to coordinate localized functions.

10. Cyprus is positioned both in the Northern and Eastern hemispheres of the earth.

11. The cancer cells are actually re-growing a connection between the left and right hemispheres.

12. Three more hemispheres followed on 23 July and were delivered three days later.

13. The amygdala is an almond-shaped organ deep within each of the hemispheres of the brain.

Es ist ein mandelförmiges Organ, tief im Inneren der beiden Hemisphären.

14. Australia is geographically positioned both in the Southern and Eastern hemispheres of the Earth

15. Some scientists fear that the holes are producing ozone-poor air that spreads through both hemispheres.

Einige Wissenschaftler befürchten, daß die Löcher das Entstehen ozonarmer Luft bewirken, die sich in beiden Hemisphären ausbreiten könnte.

16. In 1654, Otto von Guericke invented the first vacuum pump and conducted his famous Magdeburg hemispheres experiment, showing that teams of horses could not separate two hemispheres from which the air had been evacuated.

17. The temporal lobe is located beneath the lateral fissure on both cerebral hemispheres of the mammalian brain.

18. The Cerebrum is divided into two hemispheres which are further divided into two sections each

19. Note the contrast enhancement corpus callosum , indicating the probable route of speak of tumor between hemispheres.

20. No easily implemented change could make that tilt cause the same seasons in both hemispheres.

21. The Free State's advantage in floriculture is the opposing seasons of the southern and northern hemispheres.

22. A normal brain consists of two hemispheres which communicate with each other via the corpus callosum .

23. The Aurora is a luminous glow seen around the magnetic poles of the northern and southern hemispheres

24. The Cerebrum, or telencephalon, is the large upper part of the brain. It is divided into two hemispheres

25. Benin is a country in West Africa located in the Northern and Eastern Hemispheres of the Earth

26. Commissures are fiber tracts that are defined to connect corresponding cortical areas of both telencephalic hemispheres with each other

27. Cerebrum The largest part of the vertebrate brain.It consists of two cerebral hemispheres, which develop from the embryonic forebrain.The hemispheres have an outer convoluted layer of grey matter – the cerebral cortex – which contains an estimated ten billion nerve cells

28. Its distribution ranges from the tropics to the warmer areas of the temperate zone of both hemispheres.

29. They can then apply words to their physical creations, reintegrating the left and the right hemispheres of the brain.

30. It is separated into two Cortices, by the longitudinal fissure that divides the cerebrum into the left and right cerebral hemispheres.

31. Not happening or done at the same time or speed: This finding suggests Asynchronous climate changes in the Northern and Southern hemispheres.

32. Encompassed in the giant circulation flowing around the northern and southern hemispheres are three cells or separate Circulations. These Polar, Ferrel, and …

33. Finally, cholesterol is highly prevalent in myelin, therefore SLOS patients show reduced myelination of the cerebral hemispheres, peripheral nerves, and cranial nerves.

34. The Cerebrum consists of two cerebral hemispheres (right and left) separated by a deep longitudinal fissure which contains the corpus callosum.

35. At the end of stalk elongation, the nucleus undergoes an apparently closed acentric mitosis and the sporogen cleaves into two hemispheres.

36. The two hemispheres do communicate with one another through the corpus callosum, which is made up of some 300 million axonal fibers.

37. Like the Cerebrum, the cerebellum is divided into two lateral hemispheres, which are connected by a medial part called the vermis

38. Auroras above the Northern and Southern Hemispheres evolve from the sun’s activity that affect the conditions in space on an enormous scale

39. The right and left cerebral hemispheres are connected by three tracts of nerve fibers or axons, which are collectively referred to as Commissures, cerebral

40. Neuropsychological studies of number processing indicated that this representation is distributed in the two hemispheres and its dominant site points to inferior parietal cortex.

41. This pattern of climate decoupling between the Northern and Southern Hemispheres and of "southern lead, northern lag" would manifest in subsequent climate events.

Dieses Muster einer Entkopplung zwischen Nord- und Südhemisphäre bzw. „Süden führt, Norden hinkt hinterher“ (engl. southern lead, northern lag) manifestierte sich in darauffolgenden klimatischen Ereignissen.

42. Although noctilucent clouds occur in both hemispheres, they have been observed thousands of times in the northern hemisphere, but fewer than 100 times in the southern.

43. Each of these hemispheres has an outer layer of grey matter, the cerebral cortex, that is supported by an inner layer of white matter.

44. The rotationof the earth is simultaneous with both—it accounts for both.Its effect is to expose the earth’s two hemispheres Alternatelyto the sun’s rays

45. And the tilt also explains the sun's angle of elevation at different times of year, and predicts that the seasons will be out of phase in the two hemispheres.

Und die Neigung erklärt auch die Sonnenhöhe an unterschiedlichen Punkten im Jahreslauf und sagt vorher, dass die Jahreszeiten auf den beiden Hemisphären gegenphasig auftreten werden.

46. In his subsequent work he has made important advances in our understanding of functional lateralization in the brain and how the cerebral hemispheres communicate with one another.

In der Folge gelangen ihm wichtige Fortschritte im Verständnis der funktionalen Lateralisierung des Gehirns und hinsichtlich der Art und Weise, wie die beiden Gehirnhälften miteinander kommunizieren.

47. Cerebrum, the largest and uppermost portion of the brain. The Cerebrum consists of the cerebral hemispheres and accounts for two-thirds of the total weight of the brain

48. Anencephalia - a defect in brain development resulting in small or missing brain hemispheres anencephaly birth defect , congenital abnormality , congenital anomaly , congenital defect , congenital disorder - a defect that is present at birth

49. Over time, epileptic seizures can cause irreparable brain damage, so it's often considered better to disconnected the two hemispheres of the brain so that grand mal seizures simply can't happen.

50. Hellige, Hemispheric Asymmetry: What's Right and What's Left, →ISBN, page 114: Despite the generally symmetrical appearance of the two hemispheres, however, a number of biological Asymmetries have been documented